

History Reformation Fichas sobre Humanism, creado por erjnaylor el 06/05/2013.
Fichas por erjnaylor, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por erjnaylor hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who is another example of a humanist apart from good ole Erasmus? Lorenzo Valla (1407-57) Notable work = 'Notes on the New Testament' (1440) which inspired Erasmus
When was Desiderius Erasmus born? When did he die? BORN: 1467 DIED: 1536
List of Erasmus's important writings? 1500 Adages 1503 Handbook of a Christian Solider 1511 Praise of Folly 1516 The New Testament in the original Greek 1524 Freedom of the Will
Details of Adages (1500) GO! over 800 adages in Latin and Greek (later expnded until it contained over 4000) All reading public could access (aim)
Handbook of a Christian Solider (1503) DETAILS GO GO GO GO Written to educate Went against standards of Catholic Church widely read and translated into 11 languages
Praise of Folly (1511) Gimme all da juicy gossip Most famous work - sattirical narrator 'folly' attacks failures in Catholic Church originally written in latin in 1509
New Testament in Greek (1516) tell me whatcha know Mistakes in Vulgate e.g Matthew : 'do pennance' Catholic version (one of the sacraments) corrected to 'be penitent' 2nd edition 1519 produced over 3000 copies
TELL ME EVERY DETAIL OF FREEDOM OF THE WILL (1524) written to counter Luther's views Luther responded with 'On the Bondage of the Will' 1525
What is a nice quote that may possibly be useful to know said by the pope's representative in Germany in 1519 'Erasmus laid the egg which Luther hatched' WELL AINT THAT NICE
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