Short-term psychological


A-Levels (Short term preparation) P.E Mapa Mental sobre Short-term psychological, creado por harry_bygraves el 29/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por harry_bygraves, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por harry_bygraves hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Short-term psychological
  1. Strategies to prevent anxiety and choking
    1. Self talk
      1. Setting achievable goals
        1. Performance monitoring
          1. Pre performance routines
            1. Somatic and cognitive relaxcation techniques
              1. Mental rehersal and imagery
              2. Effects of motivation and stress control
                1. Bandura- self efficacy can be influenced by four factors
                  1. Performance accomplishments, if the athlete has been successful in the past then self confidence is likely to be high
                    1. Vicarious experience; if the athleye watches others perform and achieve success, then self confidence is likely to be high
                      1. Verbal persuasion; significant others can encourage and motivate e.g coach
                        1. Emotional arousal; how a performer feels about arousal and anxiety levels
                        2. Discuss how external influences can affect sport
                          1. Social loafing refers to a loss in motivation when group sizes get too big
                            1. Home advantage can have a positive effect on the motivation of athletes
                              1. Social facilitation; refers to the positive influence other people can have on performance e.g. team mates
                                1. Social inhibition; refers to the negative effects an audience can have on performance
                                2. Anxiety and its effects on performance
                                  1. A natural reaction to threat in the enviroment.
                                    1. COGNITIVE; worry and negative feeling about your own performance
                                      1. SOMATIC; Physiological symptoms such as raised HR
                                        1. BEAVIOURAL; experiencing tension, agitation and restlessness
                                          1. State anxiety; situaition specific e.g taking a penalty
                                            1. Trait anxiety; more associated with someones anxiety
                                              1. Drive theory; the higher the arousal, the greater performance
                                                1. Inverted U theory; predicts a relationship between arousal and performance as an inverted U shape
                                                  1. Catastrophe theory; arousal will increase performance when cognitive anxiety is low but there will be a big decline in performance when cognitive anxiety is high
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                                                  Short-term physiological
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