Long-term psychological


A-Levels (Long term preparation) P.E Mapa Mental sobre Long-term psychological, creado por harry_bygraves el 02/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por harry_bygraves, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por harry_bygraves hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Long-term psychological
  1. Goal setting and Performance profiling
    1. Goal setting aims to enhance these qualities;
      1. Commitment
        1. Confidence
          1. Control
            1. Concentration
            2. Effective goal setting provides benefits like;
              1. Motivates performer
                1. focus attention
                  1. builds self confidece
                  2. Type of goal
                    1. Outcome goals; concerned with an end product
                      1. Short term goals
                        1. Long term goals
                          1. Performance goals
                          2. Goal setting structure
                            1. SPECIFIC
                              1. MEASURABLE
                                1. AGREED
                                  1. REALISTIC
                                    1. TIME
                                      1. EXCITING
                                        1. RECORDED
                                      2. Motivation and attribution theory, links to performance
                                        1. The direction and intentsity of ones efforts
                                          1. Intrinsic; internal drive or feelings that make us do things
                                            1. Extrinsic'feelings from rewards externally derived
                                              1. Achievement; drive to succeed or persit with a task
                                                1. Personality factors; NACH those with a need to achieve. NAF those who neeed to avoid failure
                                                  1. Situational factors; the specific situation in which an individual performs will also affect their decision to accept a challenge. Two determining situational factors are; Probability of success versus probability of failure, Incentive value of success versus incentive value of failure
                                                    1. Attribution theory; an approach that attempts to catagorise reasons for winning and failing
                                                      1. Four main attributions; ABILITY,EFFORT,TASK DIFFICULTY, LUCK
                                                        1. Internal/satble= ability, effort. External/unstable= luck, task difficulty
                                                          1. Attribution retraining; helping performers avoid failure by focusing on postive attribtiions and removal of negative feelings. Strategies such as change in tactics, avoid lack of ability as a reason for failure
                                                          2. Process of skill development and tatics to improve performance
                                                            1. Role of visulaisation; process of creating a mental image of what you want to happen
                                                              1. Ritual; can be part of a long term preparation for performance by establishing a comfortable and calming rountine prior to competing
                                                                1. Perception dimensions; is dependant on four main components;
                                                                  1. Pheripheral vision
                                                                    1. Depth perception
                                                                      1. Dynamic acuity
                                                                        1. Static acuity
                                                                        2. Psychological refractory period; the delay in time it takes a performer to respond to a second stimlus after being presented with a first.ANTICIPATION; this describes the process by which decisions are made from interpreting an opponents movement. DECEPTION; a performer tries to decieve an opponent
                                                                        3. Consept of cohesion and how it can be used
                                                                          1. To be successful a tam must develop co-operation and cohesion. There are two types;
                                                                            1. Task cohesion; the degree that members work together to achieve common goals
                                                                              1. Social cohesion; the degree to which members like each other and interact
                                                                              2. Factors that affect the development of cohesion include; envioromental (age, location), personal (drive to win, belief in the group), leadership (influence of caoch, manager), Team (roles, targets)
                                                                              3. Strategies to enhance group cohesion
                                                                                1. Holding training camps
                                                                                  1. Aviod star billing
                                                                                    1. Set clear team goals
                                                                                      1. Encourage social bonding
                                                                                        1. Aviod the formation of cliques
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