30 Day Week 1


(30 Day) Messages Mapa Mental sobre 30 Day Week 1, creado por Ross Johnson el 15/08/2013.
Ross Johnson
Mapa Mental por Ross Johnson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ross Johnson
Creado por Ross Johnson hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

30 Day Week 1
  1. Intro
    1. week 1 of 30 day
      1. Talking about community
        1. turn & say, "I'm glad ur here"
          1. describe this series/challenge
          2. Life is better in circles than rows
            1. there is more to church/life than just Sundays!
            2. How do we experience genuine community?
              1. 1) Make Time for IT
                1. "devoted to (42)
                  1. "Day by Day (46)
                    1. could you imagine?
                      1. We're only asking for once a week for 5 weeks!
                        1. I know you're busy. We all are.
                          1. stop hiding behind that
                      2. something they continually did (P.A.PTCP.)
                        1. community/relationships don't just happen
                          1. They take time/effort
                      3. Contribute to it (2
                        1. "fellowship" = lit. mutual involvement & relationships
                          1. and not just w//your time.
                            1. any 1 can just show up
                              1. there were spiritual contributions, physical contributions
                                1. vv. 45-46
                                2. Why Should I?
                                  1. I want to be refreshed. I want to celebrate! I want unity! I want friendship! I want family!
                                    1. Let me get some feedback here
                                      1. how do think they would describe what is happening in their church?
                                      2. Take home
                                        1. buy an $8 book
                                          1. do the daily study
                                            1. commit to 5 Saturdays of community
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                                            30 Day Week 4
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            30 Day Week 2
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            30 Day week 5
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            The Church
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            30 Day Week 3
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            Messages with tell and ask
                                            Delil Zúñiga
                                            Media Messages
                                            Anthony Melton
                                            Joe Gen. 39
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            Bold Week 3
                                            Ross Johnson
                                            Joe Gen 41
                                            Ross Johnson