GIT Neoplasms


Pathology Mapa Mental sobre GIT Neoplasms, creado por Emma Jones el 08/09/2013.
Emma Jones
Mapa Mental por Emma Jones, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Jones
Creado por Emma Jones hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

GIT Neoplasms
  1. Squamous cell carcinoma: raised edge with central ulceration or white plaque
    1. Oesophagus
      1. Alcohol, smoking, hot beverages, nutritional deficiency, HPV
        1. Middle 1/3 of oesophagus, grey white plaque in masses or diffuse thicknening
          1. Insidious onset, 5yr survival 9%
            1. Dysphagia, odynophagia, obstruction, +/- ulceration
            2. Oropharynx
              1. Anus: HP infection, precursor = condyloma accuminatum
              2. Adenoma
                1. Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland
                  1. Oesophagus
                    1. Colon
                      1. Dysplasia: nuclear hyperchromasia, FAP
                      2. Appendix
                      3. Adenocarcinoma
                        1. Stomach
                          1. Clinical: dyspepsia, dysphagia, altered bowel habits, nausea, anaemia
                            1. Intestinal type: bulky & glandular, Signet ring cell type: diffuse
                              1. Antrum & lesser curvature
                              2. Duodenum
                                1. Colon
                                  1. Tall columnar cells, variable differentiation & gland formation
                                    1. Insidious development, IDA, occult bleeding, ab cramps, BM change
                                    2. Appendix
                                      1. Mucocele: benign cyst
                                        1. Pseudomyoma peritoneii: slow tumour, mucus production> ascites
                                          1. Obstruction + enlargement mimics acute appendicitis
                                        2. Lymphoma
                                          1. Stomach: lymphocytic infiltrate in lamina propria
                                            1. Cause chronic inflammation: EBV & H.pylori infection
                                              1. Dyspepsia, epigastric pain, spreads to lymph nodes
                                              2. Small intestine: Coeliac disease
                                              3. Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
                                                1. Stomach
                                                  1. Well-circumscribed mass under mucosa +/- ulceration
                                                    1. Epitheloid or spindle cell
                                                      1. Asymptomatic, bleeding, mass effect
                                                    2. Carcinoid tumour
                                                      1. Small intestine
                                                        1. From endocrine cells, tan polypoid lesions, intramural or submucosal +/- ulceration, island & trabeculae cell structure
                                                          1. More common in ileum & jejunum
                                                            1. Asym, ab pain, metastatic disease, obstruction
                                                              1. Carcinoid syndrome: ileal tumours release vasoactive substances > flushing, sweating, bronchospasm, colicky ab pain, diarrhoea
                                                              2. Appendix
                                                              3. Non-neoplastic
                                                                1. Colon
                                                                  1. Inflammatory polyp: injury + regeneration cycles
                                                                    1. Hamartoma: growth of mature tissues at site where they normally develop, FAP
                                                                      1. Hyperplastic polyps: decreased epith turnover in >70yo
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