30 Day week 5


(30 Day) Messages Mapa Mental sobre 30 Day week 5, creado por Ross Johnson el 12/09/2013.
Ross Johnson
Mapa Mental por Ross Johnson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ross Johnson
Creado por Ross Johnson hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

30 Day week 5
  1. Intro
    1. 5 purposes
      1. this week: outreach
        1. acts 2.42-47
          1. how do you suppose that happened?
            1. I believe they shared stories
        2. Tell your story
          1. the blind man's story
            1. John 9
              1. 10-11; 15; 24-25
              2. tips to tell ur story
                1. keep it short
                  1. keep it simple
                    1. watch ur language
                      1. include ur before and after
                        1. jeff's video
                    2. Then, share God's story
                      1. answers the "how is that possible?" question
                        1. G.O.S.P.E.L. video
                          1. learn a couple of verses
                            1. John 3.16
                              1. Rom. 3.23, 5.8, 6.23, 10.13
                              2. learn a couple of illustraions
                                1. the bridge
                                  1. do / done
                                2. doing outreach is simply telling stories!: bottom line
                                  1. take home
                                    1. perhaps you don't have an "after" story
                                      1. Let God begin to write that today!
                                        1. learn to tell ur story, pray for opportunities, take advantage!
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