Self Management by Carmenita


Mind map of the formal summary
Carmenita Wati
Mapa Mental por Carmenita Wati, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carmenita Wati
Creado por Carmenita Wati hace alrededor de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Self Management by Carmenita


  • It is an effort to control ourselves when determining decision, behaving in our personal goal, and designing strategies to achieve our goals.
  1. Self-Awareness


    • Cooper (1998) states that self-awareness is “a condition in which someone knows what motivates them, their preferences and personality, and how these things affect judgment, decisions and interactions with others”. Meaning, it is a condition where someone could analyze their strengths or weaknesses. Why is I important? Because it can help us in ; respecting ourselves, setting meaningful life and career goals, increasing productivity, understanding the values of differences, expanding relations, etc. Lack of self-awareness results in harming ourselves and other, make us incompetent because of the unawareness of perception and reality.  
    1. 4 Types of Strengths


      • 1.     The Contributor Task-oriented type, very good at providing technical information and data to the team, doing homework, inviting groups to set high- performance standards, and using resources wisely. Characterized by being responsible, authoritative, reliable, proficient, and organized   2.     The Collaborator Goal-oriented type. The collaborator  sees the vision, mission, and goal as the most important, open to ideas, willing to work outside the role, can share attention with others. Characterized by being a goal-leader, accommodating, flexible, and imaginative.   3.     The Communicator Process-oriented type. The team member(s) who is good at listening, resolve problem effectively, gives good feedback, and relaxes the atmosphere. Characterized by being supportive, caring, relaxed, enthusiastic, and wise individual.   4.     The Challenger Question-oriented type. Member(s) who does not hesitate in expressing opinions, encourages to take, straightforward, and open. Characterized by being honest, outspoken, have principles, ethical and adventurous.
      1. How to Increase Self-Awareness ?


        • First step : recognize our strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, values, and self-perception. Moreover, there are 4 ways : a.     Self-analysis : Observe positive and negative impact that affecting our behaviour, attitudes, thoughts, or interaction b.     Other’s perception : Understand other’s perspective of us. c.     Self-disclosure : Be open to others by sharing our feeling or thought. d.     Diverse Experiences : Try various activities to gain experiences, e.g. travelling, and learning new languages.
      2. Planning & Organizing


        • Planning is the arrangement of systematic steps to achieve personal goals, and organizing is the methods of ensuring every need to accomplish the goals available.
        1. How to Make a Great Plan ?


          • -       Set a clear purpose -       The success of our goal is measurable -       Our goal is achievable -       Our goal according to our self-ability -       Set a deadline
          1. Behaviour We Must Have to Reach Our Goals


            • Realistic, positive, start small, full responsibility, persevere.
          2. Time-Management


            • Time management is the ability to manage and plan the time that will be used to carry out activities (Suzanne et al., 2012).
            1. Why Time-Management is Important ?


              • 1.     It make us more effective through the priority scale 2.     Avoids stress 3.     Reduce possibility of delaying 4.     Prevents time-colliding 5.     Free from obstacles and disturbances
              1. Time Quadrant


                • Time Quadrant in Time Management : Effective method in time-management which is by sorting our tasks based on the scale of importance. There are 4 quadrants : 1.     Quadrant 1 : Important and urgent 2.     Quadrant 2 : Important and not urgent 3.     Quadrant 3 : Not important and urgent 4.     Quadrant 4 : Not important and not urgent
                1. Strategies for Effective Time-Management


                  • Ten strategies for effective time management by Sue & Michael (2008) : 1.     Know how we spend our time 2.     Set priorities 3.     Set planning tools 4.     Get organized 5.     Set schedule 6.     Delegate 7.     No more postponing 8.     Manage external time wasters 9.     Avoid multitasking 10.  Stay healthy
                2. Emotional Intelligence


                  • Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, interpret, and process emotions in oneself and others (Goleman, 2004). This involves our mental ability to understand our and other’s emotions. It also helps us maintain good relationship with others.
                  1. Components of Emotional Intelligence


                    • Five components of emotional intelligence : 1.     Self-awareness : Covering emotional awareness, self-assessment, confidence, ability to recognize emotion and the effects for ourselves and others. 2.     Self-regulation : Covering self-control, trust, awareness, adaptability, innovation, ability to manage emotions and impulsive disorder. 3.     Motivation : Covering passion, drive for success, commitment, initiative, optimism, persistent under difficulties. 4.     Empathy : Covering understanding others, developing others, understanding differences, and ability to read and respond to other’s feeling. 5.     Social skills : Covering interacting well, managing interpersonal relationship, managing emotional responses to others, and communication.
                    1. How to Improve Emotional Intelligence


                      • 1.     Be honest, value ourselves realistically, and acknowledge or strengths and weaknesses. 2.     Request feedback from others. 3.     Confidence. 4.     Don’t overreact if things don’t go our way, keep thinking rationally. 5.     Take time to determine the appropriate action. 6.     Receive and develop skills in overcoming ambiguity and change. 7.     Motivated by strong internal desire. 8.     Monitor our progress. 9.     Considers others in making decisions. 10.  Take time to maintain relation with others.

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