Analysing a mammogram


Break down of the analysis of a typical mammogram
Mapa Mental por Fusion_Master, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Fusion_Master hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Analysing a mammogram
  1. Masses
    1. Density
      1. Fat density
        1. Oil cysts
          1. Galactocele
            1. Lipoma
            2. Mixed fat and water density
              1. Hamartomas
                1. Intramammary lymph node
            3. Margins
              1. Spiculated
                1. Breast ca
                  1. Fat necrosis
                    1. Scars
                      1. Radial scars
                      2. Ill distinct
                        1. Abscess
                          1. Spontaneous haematoma
                          2. Well defined
                            1. Simple cysts
                              1. Fibrosis
                                1. Fibroadenoma
                                  1. Primary breast malignancies
                                    1. Lymphoma
                                      1. Metastatic disease
                                    2. Location
                                      1. Size
                                        1. Calcifcations
                                          1. Benign Calcification
                                            1. Lucent centre
                                              1. Egg shell
                                                1. Layered "sediment" calcium
                                                  1. Tubular arterial calcification
                                                    1. Large coarse calcifications
                                                      1. Thick linear calcifications
                                                        1. widely scattered / bilateral
                                                        2. Malignant calcification
                                                          1. jagged and irregular
                                                            1. branching
                                                              1. pleomorphic: dot-dash
                                                                1. Punctate or granular
                                                                  1. tight clusters/single segement
                                                                    1. Microcalcifcations
                                                                    2. Indeterminate calcifications
                                                                    3. Architecture
                                                                      1. Density
                                                                        1. Increased
                                                                          1. HRT
                                                                            1. Inflammatory carcinoma
                                                                              1. Radiation therapy
                                                                                1. Diffuse mastastitis
                                                                                  1. Obstruction
                                                                                2. Adenopathy
                                                                                  1. Benign
                                                                                    1. Pathlogical
                                                                                      1. Enlarged
                                                                                        1. Loss of fat
                                                                                          1. Calcifications
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