L/O 1. appraise the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship
The entrpreneurical process
enterprise concepts and contexts
enterprise culture and the enterprising person
enterprise, creativity and innovation
Marcouse book page 252 discuss advanages and
dorganisational structure linkedto enterprise cultue
The power culture discussd in
relatio to small business pg 251
of Marcouse book.
L/O 2. compare and contrast the different types of forms of enterprise activity
appraise the social and economic problems of entrepreneurship
enterprise allowance- was
one of the earliest
schemes for funding small
businesses-pg253 Capon book
research pros and cons
points to be included in the essay
introduction- brief definiton of entrepreneurship talk about how this is refer to Briidge book pg 23
enterprise, the concept of entrepreeuship mention how the author says enterprise, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurism are inter changeable and all stem from the same concept,
compare and contrast narrow and
broader view of enterprise refer to Bridge book pg 21-23