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The Effectiveness of Teaching Assistants and Supply Teachers: A Teachers View
Overview for Methodology assignment
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Mapa Mental por
Careen Latoya La
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Careen Latoya La
hace más de 9 años
Resumen del Recurso
The Effectiveness of Teaching Assistants and Supply Teachers: A Teachers View
How long have you been teaching?
Have you ever been a teaching assistant or a supply teacher?
Teaching Assistants
Have you had support from teaching assistants in any of your lessons?
Were they always there to support pupils who had a statement?
If no, do you think it would have been beneficial for you to have a teaching assistant in your lessons?
Do you think teaching assistants hinder the attainment of a child or groups of pupils?
How are teaching assistants used within your school?
How often are you able to meet with the teaching assistant(s) who support(s) you?
Would you say this is enough time to see them?
Do you think this helps them with carrying out their duty?
Who line manages Teaching Assistants in your school?
Do you know what is expected of the Teaching Assistant in your class based on the reason they were hired?
What are the first four words which come to mind when you think about Teaching Assistants?
Supply Teachers
Can you recall a time in which a supply teacher had to take your lesson?
Did you get any feedback from the pupils in regards to how the lesson went? If so, what was it?
Having looked at the work you set, approximately what percentage of the class completed the tasks?
Did you get any feedback from other members from your team in regards to how the lesson went? If so, what was it?
What are your views on supply teachers?
What do you know about the role of supply teachers?
How much relevant subject knowledge do you think supply teachers should have?
Are there any ways in which you feel the use of supply teachers could be improved?
What are the first four words that come to mind when you think of supply teachers?
Why this research question?
Teaching Assistants and Supply Teachers both support children in school
To be able to get an understanding of the way in which teachers view how effective Teaching Assistants and Supply Teachers are in schools.
How would you define an effective teaching assistant?
Why have you given this as a definition?
How could a supply teacher be used effectively?
Why do you say this?
What does it mean to you for a member of staff to be effective in relation to the learning of a pupil?
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