Human Resource Management


HR management- leaving cert busines
A Donaghy
Mapa Mental por A Donaghy, actualizado hace más de 1 año
A Donaghy
Creado por A Donaghy hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Human Resource Management
  1. Functions
    1. 1. Manpower Planning
      1. 2. Recruitment and Selection of Staff
        1. 3. Training and Development
          1. 6. Maintaining Positive Industrial relations
            1. 5. Rewarding Staff Performance
              1. 4. Performance Appraisal
              2. 1. Manpower Planning
                1. Human resource audit
                  1. Forecast future manpower needs
                    1. Monitor level of labour turnover
                      1. Prepare a HR plan
                      2. 2. Recruitment and Selection of Staff
                        1. 1. Prepare job description
                          1. 2. Prepare person specification
                            1. 3. Advertise vacancy
                              1. Internal
                                1. External
                                2. 4. Shortlist applicants
                                  1. 5. Interview
                                    1. 6. Check references
                                      1. 7. Make offer to successful candidate and inform unseccessful candidates
                                      2. 3. Training and Developing Staff
                                        1. Training (skills and knowledge needed for present work)
                                          1. Induction/Orientation
                                            1. On the job
                                              1. Off the job
                                              2. Developing ( teaching multiple skills that can be used for many jobs in future)
                                              3. 4. Performance Appraisal
                                                1. Employee and manger set goals
                                                  1. Manager regularly measures employee's progress
                                                    1. Discussing outcomes at end of period of time
                                                      1. Indentifying training needs
                                                      2. Rewarding Employees
                                                        1. Financial
                                                          1. Basic wage
                                                            1. Hourly Rate
                                                              1. Piece Rate
                                                                1. Commission
                                                                  1. Bonus payments
                                                                    1. Share Ownership Schemes
                                                                    2. Non- Financial
                                                                      1. Job Enlargement
                                                                        1. Job enrichment
                                                                          1. Improved Working Conditions
                                                                        2. Maintaining Positive Industrial Relations
                                                                          1. Train managers in how to deal with employee problems
                                                                            1. Careful selection of employees
                                                                              1. Grievance Procedure
                                                                                1. Communicate regularly and honestly with staff
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