Eukaryotic cell structure


Organelles in a eurkaryotic cell.
Mapa Mental por HeatherTxo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por HeatherTxo hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Eukaryotic cell structure
  1. Microvilli
    1. Increase surface area and rate of absorption, they have enzymes attached for digestion
    2. Nucleolus
      1. Assembles ribosomes within the nucleus
      2. Nucleus
        1. Stores genetic information (DNA) makes ribosomes in the nucleolus, pores let ribosomes exit. Contains nucleoplasm, nuclear pores, chromatin,and a double nuclear membrane
        2. Mitochondria
          1. Carries out respiration, releases energy to let the cell work. Makes ATP. Has outer membrane and inner membrane called cristae which is folded for larger surface area. Inside the cell is called matrix.
          2. Ribosome
            1. Site of protein synthesis, transfers through lumen when made.
            2. golgi body
              1. Proteins get transported via rough endoplasmic reticulum and are modified. Then packaged up in a vesicle and sent on
              2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
                1. Stores proteins and makes carbohydrates and lipids, doesnt have ribosomes attached.
                2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
                  1. Network of cisternae (flattened membranes) proteins move through this network. ribosomes are attached
                  2. Lysosomes
                    1. Vesicles with powerful digestive enzymes inside. Digest bacteria, old organelles and viruses
                    2. Vesicles
                      1. Membrane bound sacs containing various substances, used for transporting substances from one organelle to the next or to the cell surface membrane for secretion.
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