Monotheistic Religions


Monotheistic Religions about Christianity and Judaism by William Yeh.
William Yeh
Mapa Mental por William Yeh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
William Yeh
Creado por William Yeh hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Monotheistic Religions
  1. Judaism


    • Judaism is one of the world's largest religion. It's origin and laws are recorded in a scared text, the Torah.
    1. Ancient Hebrew Leaders


      • The Hebrew bible tells us important events in the lives of early Jewish leaders, such as Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon. These leaders often help us understand what they did that was so important, and why it makes them great.
      1. Abraham


        • Also known as the "father of the jews", he was the one who introduced the belief to the people, and was told to move from Mesopotamia to Canaan. 
        1. Father of the Jews


          • Because of Abrahams's faith in god, he was promised to be the father of a great nation, and his descendants would be known as the Jewish people.
        2. Moses


          • Moses led other out of slavery in Egypt, and got them to Canaan, the "promised land". He also made the fundamental laws of Judaism, and according to the Torah, God gave him 10 laws to carve on 2 tablets, which became 'The Ten Commandments".
          1. King David and Solomon


            • After escaping from Egypt, the Hebrew once again returned to Canaan. Here, King David untied a kingdom, and after him, his son, King Solomon continued his legacy.
            1. David


              • At a young age, David defeated the giant Goliath, a fierce warrior just by throwing a stone at his head, killing him. After returning from Egypt, David made Jerusalem a holy city, and built their first great temple. The place became a symbol to the Hebrews and their faith in God. 
              1. Solomon


                • David's son, who continued his legacy. Since his father David didn't finish building the temple, Solomon helped finished it. He was said to be the wisest of all men as well.
          2. Christianity


            • The religion based on Jesus's life and teachings. Christianity started when Jesus was first recognized as the Messiah, and soon many others converted after his resurrection, spreading the news that he truly was the Messiah.
            1. Jesus Christ


              • Founder of Christianity and son of God, Jesus was crucifixed when the Romans feared he had too much power, and was then said to be resurrected. Often referred as the Messiah,or the anointed one. 
              1. Founder of Christianity


                • Not everyone believed that he was the Messiah, but after his resurrection, he started a religion based on his life and death, Christianity.


                  • Have many followers, often called "disciples". Most of the time the followers were mere fishermen or laborers. They learn from Jesus's preachings for about 3 years, and after his resurrection, the disciples share Gospels with the Jews as well as the non-Jews.
                  1. Gospels


                    • A Gospel is the stories describing the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. The most widely known examples are the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
                    1. Matthew
                      1. Luke
                        1. Mark
                          1. John
                          2. Paul


                            • Initially a persecuter, after hearing the voice of god, he became a convert and deticated his life into spreading the teachings of Jesus. Later on in his life, he was prisoned and soon beheaded when the Romans were trying to persecute the Christians. After his death, he was announced a saint in the Christian churches.
                          3. Mary


                            • Mary, his mother, was told by an Angel that her child would be god's son, and she would name him Jesus. She and her husband, Joseph, went to Joseph's hometown when the Romans want to count everyone in Rome, and that was where she gave birth to Jesus.
                            1. Joseph
                            2. Constantine


                              • The king that made Christianity the official religion of Rome after a vision of a cross, and it said that if he become a Christian, he shall win the battle the day after. He won the war, and made Christian practice legal, and the Christian population has grown ever since. The following kings after has also accepted the religion as well.
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