How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority 1933-45?


Mapa Mental sobre How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority 1933-45?, creado por kelseyleigh el 08/05/2014.
Mapa Mental por kelseyleigh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kelseyleigh hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority 1933-45?
  1. Ams of the Nazis
    1. Expand State and take Lebensraum from Western Russia
      1. Replace democracy with a totalitarian state
        1. Gleischaltung
          1. Destruction of power of trade unions and other non-nazi institutions
          2. Regeneration of Germany
            1. Volksgemeinschaft
              1. Creation of a 'racially pure' state
            2. Admission to power 1933
              1. Nationalist-Nazi coalition
                1. Hitler demanded place of chancellor
                  1. Von papen agreed
                    1. Nationalists = 9 posts in cabinet
                      1. Nazis = 2 chairs in cabitnet
                        1. Von papen believed he could control the nazis
                          1. Hitler became chancellor 30th Jan 1933
              2. Consolidation of power
                1. 27 Feb 1933: Reichstag fire
                  1. Communists blamed and banned
                  2. 28 Feb 1933: Decree for the Protection of People and State
                    1. Hitler granted emergency powers
                    2. 5 March 1933: Election
                      1. Nazis vote increased to 43.9%
                      2. 23 March 1933: Enabling act
                        1. Nazis intimidated people to vote for them
                          1. Full power transferred to Hitler
                          2. 14 July 1933: Nazi party became only legal party
                            1. Hitler banned other political parties
                          3. Hitler and Government
                            1. Hitlers role in government was limited
                              1. No all-embracing constitution
                                1. No individual could control all areas of government
                                  1. hitler relied on subordinated to put his wishes into practice
                                    1. Hitler slept for long hours and was often absent from Berlin
                                      1. Hitler had lack of leadership
                                        1. Cabinet met 72 times in 1993 + 4 times in 1936
                                          1. Final meeting 1938
                                            1. Decisions were made by seeing Hitler only
                                  2. Police state
                                    1. Courts
                                      1. Judges to be harsher
                                        1. new laws for political offences
                                          1. Peopls Courts to try enemies of the state
                                            1. 1939+ judges had to study nazi beliefs
                                              1. Nazis replaces senior officials
                                                1. SS group leader appointed Minister of Justic
                                                2. SS
                                                  1. 1929 Himmler became leader
                                                    1. Created SD in 1931
                                                      1. SD = secret intelligence wing of SS
                                                      2. 1934 took control of police including Gestapo
                                                      3. 1936 only Aryans could join
                                                        1. SS = main organisation of terror
                                                          1. SD
                                                            1. Gestapo
                                                              1. Secret police
                                                                1. found opponenets of nazis and arrested them
                                                                  1. some were sent to concentration camps without trial
                                                                2. Made up of around 20,000-40,000 agensts
                                                                3. Kripo
                                                                  1. Waffen SS
                                                                4. Concentration camps
                                                                  1. 1933
                                                                    1. Acted as prisons
                                                                    2. 1936
                                                                      1. focused on asocials, criminals and homosexuals
                                                                      2. 1937
                                                                        1. individuals who did not fit peoples community imprisoned
                                                                          1. Homosexuals
                                                                            1. Jews
                                                                              1. Asocials
                                                                                1. Disabled
                                                                                  1. Racial minorities
                                                                                    1. gypsies
                                                                                    2. beggars
                                                                                      1. long-term unemployed
                                                                                    3. 1942
                                                                                      1. extermination camps for jews
                                                                                        1. prisoners and foreign workers transferred to camps as source of labour
                                                                                    4. Resistance up to 1945
                                                                                      1. Communists
                                                                                        1. produced leaflets against nazis
                                                                                          1. Red Orchestra
                                                                                          2. Social Democrats
                                                                                            1. produced anti-nazi propaganda
                                                                                            2. trade unions
                                                                                              1. strikes between 1935-45
                                                                                              2. churches
                                                                                                1. Bishop Galen of Munster attacked policy of euthenasia
                                                                                                  1. most continued religious practices
                                                                                                  2. youth
                                                                                                    1. swing youth
                                                                                                      1. Edelweiss pirates
                                                                                                        1. Roving Dudes
                                                                                                          1. Navajos
                                                                                                      2. anit- nazi e.g played dance and jazz music
                                                                                                      3. Students
                                                                                                        1. White Rose Group
                                                                                                          1. Issued anti-nazi pamphlets
                                                                                                        2. Conservatives
                                                                                                          1. The Kreisau Circle
                                                                                                            1. officers
                                                                                                              1. aristocrats
                                                                                                                1. academics
                                                                                                                  1. churchmen
                                                                                                                    1. drew up plans for post-nazi germany
                                                                                                                  2. Army
                                                                                                                    1. Bomb plot under Stauffenberg
                                                                                                                    2. All resistance either stopped before it became a threat or failed
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