ICT Revision Mind Map


Mapa Mental sobre ICT Revision Mind Map, creado por sam watson el 26/04/2017.
sam watson
Mapa Mental por sam watson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
sam watson
Creado por sam watson hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

ICT Revision Mind Map
  1. Verification
    1. An accurate way of checking data
      1. Checks specific data rather than data within a range
      2. Validation
        1. Checks data within a range
          1. EG. Validation checks for data within a range of 18-30 years old, whereas verification will check for a specific age, name and date of birth
        2. Networks and Communications
          1. Lans and Wans
            1. Lan
              1. Local Area Network
                1. Connects computers in a small area
                  1. Allows the people connected to the network to access other devices and information
                2. Wan
                  1. Wide Area Network
                    1. Connects computers in a wide area
                      1. Connects many lans into 1 network
                  2. E-Mails
                    1. Electronic Mail
                  3. Home Entertainment
                    1. Computer System
                      1. Batch Processing
                        1. jobs that are waiting to be run are collected and stored in a job queue and are processed together
                        2. Multi Access Systems
                          1. Software that allows access by multiple of users of a computer
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