Course 8


Flashcards on Course 8, created by Cristhian Hernandez on 01/10/2018.
Cristhian Hernandez
Flashcards by Cristhian Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristhian Hernandez
Created by Cristhian Hernandez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Turn off Turn on Turn down Turn up Downstairs Upstairs *Apagar *Encender *Bajar volumen *Subir Volumen *Bajar escaleras *Subir escaleras
*Pick up *Hold on *Hang up *Overflow *Spill *Drop *Contestar *Espera *Colgar *Desbordado *Derramar *Caer
* People + be + Just + Verb_ing *People + be + just + Verb 1. I was just thinking about 2. I was calling to tell you something 3. I just need to talk you 4. I just want to tell you something
1. I have to go 2. Caught=catch=atrapado, capturado * Steering wheel = manejar *Pass laws = Leyes aprobadas * Essays = ensayos * Injuries=dolores
*Overheard *Waste time *Perhaps *Warm of *To wonder *Loud *Escuchar conversa. por error *Perder tiempo *Talvez (mas formal) *Advertir de las consecuencias *Preguntarmelo a mi mismo *Gritar, alborotar
*Caught my eye *Encourage *Gripe *Complain *Embarrasing *Realize *Atrapar mi atención *Motivar *Quejarse *Quejar *Vergonzozo *Entendí
Poritive Aspects: *Pros *Upsides *Advantages Negative Aspects: *Cons *Downsides *Disadventages
INTRODUCTION: In these days everybody have a cellphone and apps instants meggaes, like whatsapp, FB messenger and stuff like that, for these reasons I like keep in touch whit my friends for this means ADVANTAGES: The mains advantages of this mean ara that, are cheaper, in some case are free because are included in the data plan of the internet providers
DISVANTAGES: This kind of the for keep in touch it depends of some factors such as: The signal, the balance and others. CONCLUSION: Instant messages are good mean of communication and big part of the word they don't make calls, the must just send text,
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