The Nervous System and Hormones (Part 1)


IGCSE prep for the Nervous System and hormones on a grade 10 level
Naomi Science
Flashcards by Naomi Science, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Science
Created by Naomi Science almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stimulus a change in the environment of an organism
The central nervous system is made up of.... The brain and the spinal cord
Neuron bundle of nerve cells
An Effector any part of the body that produces a responce
Nerve Fibres bundles of nerve cells that pass on electrical signal to the brain
Sensory neurones carry impulses from receptors to the spinal cord
Relay neurons carry impulses to and from the spinal cord
Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain to the effector
Synape is a junction between two neurons
neurotransmitters molecules that are released as a chemical to diffuse across a synape
Reflex arc When your body needs to react to something very quickly and sends the impulse through before it reaches the brain
In bright light eyes... 1. radial muscles of the iris relax 2. circular muscles of the iris contract 3. recieve less light through contracted pupil
In dim light our eyes.. 1. Radial muscles of iris contract 2. Circular muscles of iris relax 3. Receive more light through dilated pupil
calliary muscles pull lens for focusing
cornea lets light into eye and focuses
iris controls the amount of light entering eye
lens focuses light onto the retina
optic nerve sends signals to the brain
pupil lets light through to lens
retina light sensitiv layer that sends signals to the optic nerve
suspensory ligaments hold lens in place
Hormones (in people) are chemical messengers that co-ordinate systems in the body
What are the two types of glands found in the body endocrine and exocrine glands
Pituitary Gland is linked by nerves to the hypothalumos in the brain and produces many hormones
The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland wich reguate blood
What happens when adrenaline is released into the body? -pupil dilate -breathing becomes faster and deeper -heart beats faster -hair stands on end -glucose is released from liver -blood is directed away from gut towards liver
Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment
What does the body do in response to a sudden increase in temperature? -Sweating -Vascodilation
What does the body do in response to a sudden decrease in temperature? -Shivering -Hair stands on end -Vascoconstriction
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