Japan and the USA; Meiji Restoration


Begining of the Japanese Imperialism
Flashcards by HUMBERTO MENDEZ RAMOS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HUMBERTO MENDEZ RAMOS over 7 years ago
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Japan and the USA. 1837 and 1846 first attempts at securing trading relations with Japan. On 8 July 1853 Commodore Perry threaten Japan to return with more warships.
Tokugawa Shogunate. Fully aware of China´s humiliation in the Opium war, agreed to the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. Japan´s ports were open to the US trade and granted the US the position of "most favored nation"
Japanese Imperial court. The new trading treaties were opposed by the imperial court, which was dominated by nationalist who favored continuing seclusion.
Meiji Restoration, 1868. Pro-imperial and anti-Western factions were able to stir up anti-government movements. Fanatics were known as "Shishi", such as Aizawa Seishisai and Sakuma Zozan favored learning from Western science but maintaining traditional moral values.
Choshu Clan. The Choshu clan leaders were able to persuade the Emperor to adopt an anti-Western policy. Western vessels were fired upon from Choshu coastal territories. This persuaded the Clan of the need to modernize their armies.
Satsuma Clan. The Satsuma clan decided to switch its support to the Choshu against the Shogunate. In 1866, the Emperor died and was replaced by Emperor Meiji, who was only fifteen years old.
Imperial Victory. In 1867, the Shogun formally restored the political authority to the Emperor, with the objective of avoiding a national crisis.
Empire of Japan. The Satsuma-Choshu clans were victorious and in 1868 the new imperial system continued without interruption in Japan.
Imperial Government. One of the main aims of the new imperial government was to prevent Japan from suffering the fate of severalother Asian nations.
Japanese Imperialism. "Enrich the country, strengthen the military" In order to prosper Japan needed to have strong military forces.
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