3.2 Securing the enterprise


Analyze scenarios to secure the enterprise.
DJ Perrone
Flashcards by DJ Perrone, updated more than 1 year ago
DJ Perrone
Created by DJ Perrone over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a baseline? A reference point that is defines and captured for future reference.
What is a benchmark? A point of reference that's later used for comparison.
When should you capture a new baseline? After machines are fully updated and function properly.
What is a threshold? Ensuring that security issues do not progress beyond a configured level.
What is ROI? Return on Investment - Money gained or loss after an organization makes an investment.
What is TCO? Total Cost of Ownership - Measures overall costs associated with securing and organization.
What documents lay out guidelines for establishing metrics? - ISO/IEC 27004 - NIST 800-55
In reference to business needs, what is performance? The efficiency in which a device fulfills its intended purpose.
In reference to business needs, what is latency? Delayed incurred in the processing of network data.
In reference to business needs, what is scalability? The capability to cope and perform under an increased or expanding workload.
In reference to business needs, what is capability? The action that a solution is able to perform.
In reference to business needs, what is maintainability? How often a security solution is updated and how long the updates take.
In reference to business needs, what is availability? The amount (percentage) of time a computer system is available for use.
In reference to business needs, what is recoverability? The probability that a failed solution can be restored to normal operable state within a given time frame.
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