Hungarian Uprising, 1956


Key notes on the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. History IGCSE.
Chloe Lawson
Flashcards by Chloe Lawson, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by fabiks about 9 years ago
Chloe Lawson
Copied by Chloe Lawson almost 7 years ago

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Causes (6) wanted independence from the Soviet Union; improve living conditions; hated Rakosi and his Stalinist ways; encouraged by destalinisation; economic hardship, and lack of consumer goods.
Events: October: riots in Budapest, where they pulled down the Statue of Stalin. Nagy asked to leave the Warsaw Pact, which led to the Red Army invading his country.
Hungary under Nagy Nagy made reforms such as the end of the secret police and free elections.
Result: Nagy, along with over 2,500 Hungarians, were executed. New, pro-soviet government established under Kadar; Nagy's reforms were abolished.
Importance to USSR: kept Warsaw Pact intact, as well as USSR's security; set an example to other countries.
Importance to the Cold War: strengthened USSR's position; peaceful co-existence had its limits; West would not interfere with Soviet activities (they achieved a Stalemate).
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