Joints and skeletal adaptions


Animal Management Flashcards on Joints and skeletal adaptions, created by Theo Yip on 08/05/2018.
Theo Yip
Flashcards by Theo Yip, updated more than 1 year ago
Theo Yip
Created by Theo Yip over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are joints? Where 2 bones are attached
What 3 types of joints are there? immovable slightly movable freely moveable
What are the 3 tissue types? Fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial
What are fibrous tissues? a) where b) amount of movement c) example a) between joints of bones b) immovable c) e.g. skull
What are cartilaginous tissues? a) structure b) amount of movement c) example a) connect via hyaline / fibrocartilage b) limited movement c) e.g. between vertebrae
What are synovial tissues? a) structure b) amount of movement b) example a) capsules of ligaments, synovial membranes and fluid, covered by hyaline cartilage b) freely moveable b) e.g. elbow
What are ligaments? Dense, fibrous connective tissue (bone to bone)
What are tendons? Flexible, inelastic connective tissue (muscle to bone)
What are ligaments and tendons made of? Both made from collagen
What is the role of muscles? Attach to bone allowing movement, contraction = movement
Two types of muscles? Flexor and extensor
What are the 6 types of synovial joints? 1. Ball and socket 2. Condylar 3. Plane and gliding 4. Hinge 5. Pivot 6. Saddle
a) Example of ball and socket joint b) Movement range a) Shoulder, hip b) Movement in all planes + rotation
a) Example of condyloid / condylar joint b) Movement range a) Joints between metacarpals and phalanges b) Variety of movement in diff. Planes, no rotation
a) Example of plane / gliding joint b) Movement range a) Joints between bones of wrists / ankles b) Sliding or twisting
a) Example of hinge joint b) Movement range a) Elbow and joints of phalanges b) Flexion + extension
a) Example of pivot joint b) Movement range a) Axis of neck b) Rotation around central axis
a) Example of saddle joint b) Movement range a) Joints between carpal and metacarpals of thumb b) Variety of movements
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