

Flashcards on Colorimetry, created by I Shouldn't be awake on 01/06/2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
Flashcards by I Shouldn't be awake, updated more than 1 year ago
I Shouldn't be awake
Created by I Shouldn't be awake over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Step 1. Prepare std sol of known conc. of coloured solution.
Step 2. Select filter with complementary colour to coloured chemical.
Step 3. Zero the colorimeter with water
4. Measure absorbance reading of std sol of I2
5. Plot a calibration curve of absorbance against concentration
6. Carry out reaction taking absorbance readings at measured intervals
7. Use the calibration curve to measure the concentration of iodine at each absorbance reading
8. Plot a second graph of concentration against time. Use this graph to determine order of reaction of coloured compound
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