Business Management Theories


Flashcards on Business Management Theories, created by Rebecca Michels on 18/06/2018.
Rebecca Michels
Flashcards by Rebecca Michels, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Michels
Created by Rebecca Michels over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Classical Scientific Approach PLANNING - once roles have been determined, planning needs to be achieved long-term planning - roughly 3 to 5 years (goals for the future) TACTICAL - 1 - 2 years (flexible and adaptable change) operational - short term - specific detail about day-to-day planning organising. Determining work activities - to achieve objectives - specialisation and division of about. Seperate people into departments - increase efficiency - give managers to departments and sections CONTROLLING - evaluate performance - intended to happen vs what actually happened. Establish standards or benchmarks and then checking if they are achieved. Take action to meet the benchmark.
Classical Scientific Style Which way is best to do stuff and do experiments to do so using measurements. They do this through a organisational chart. The hierarchal structure with a long chain of command meaning there are many levels of management. Can cause problems for small businesses. It’s a three level tier - CEO, middle management and then front-line supervisor management team. Bureaucracy - big
Red tape business Excessive bureaucracy
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