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Created by E. Jorgensen
over 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
ante/o | before |
ventr/o | towards the belly |
anter/o | towards the front |
post/o | after |
poster/o | towards the back |
dors/o | back |
phren/o | diaphragm |
retin/o | net-like |
cili/o | eyelash |
palpebr/o | eyelid |
phys/o | growth |
-sis | (CAPS) Condition or Action or Process or State |
clin/o | sloped |
lacer/o | torn |
cav/o | hollow |
petr/o | (dense) rock |
upsilon | 20th letter of greek alphabet |
hyoid/o | shaped like the Greek letter upsilon |
incis/o | cut into |
cid/o | cut |
canal/o | water channel |
bucc/o | cheek |
membran/o | a skin |
mening/o | membrane |
tympan/o | drum |
glandul/o | little acorn |
ment/o | chin |
pont/o | bridge |
labi/o | lip |
tonsil/o | tonsil |
genion | chin |
larynx | upper windpipe |
mast/o | breast |
pharanx | chasm |
pharung/o | "pharunx" throat |
conus | cone |
descend | to climb down |
ascend | to climb up |
scendere | to climb |
de- | down |
abdo- | conceal |
gono- | angle |
volar | synonymous with palmar pertaining to the palm |
process | a going forward (outgrowth of tissue) |
flex/o | to bend |
scaph/o | boat-shaped |
stoma- | mouth |
sinus/o | a recess |
epi- | upon |
vas/o | vessel |
tibi/o | aulos or shin bone |
recess | to go back |
auris | ear |
papill/o | nipple-like |
cuspid/o | point |
pariet/o | the wall |
temp/o | side of forehead or temples |
arteri/o | artery or windpipe "They were regarded by the ancients as air ducts because the arteries do not contain blood after death" |
patella | kneepan |
tal/o | slope derived from talutum (structure of a slope) A medieval castle architecture used steep slopes on the outside perimeter as a defensive tactic |
end/o | within |
cub/o | cube |
later/o | side |
cardi/o | heart |
camera | vault |
valv/o | double door |
coron/o | encircling like a crown or heart |
trunk | from latin truncus to cut off |
septum | structure of a partition |
circum/o | around |
ob- | against |
myo- | muscle |
pulmonary | of the lungs |
manubri/o | a handle |
cervic/o | neck |
lumb/o | loin |
clavic/o | little key |
unc/o | hook |
scapul/o | small shovel |
uln/o | elbow |
pisi/o | pea-shaped |
proxim/o | nearest |
dist/o | distant |
distant | to stand apart |
-tomy | to cut |
fossa | to resemble a ditch |
ethmoid/o | a seive |
front/o | the front |
oc- | the backside of |
ciput/o | head |
mandibul/o | the jaw |
vomer | plowshare |
plowshare | the cutting edge of a plow |
auricul/o | external ear |
anatomy | to cut apart |
lachrym/o or lacrim/o | a tear related to the eyes |
nas/o | nose |
gladi/o | small sword like the flower, gladiolus |
cost/o | rib |
atlas | The Bearer (of the heavens) |
carp/o | wrist |
capit/o | head |
lun/o | moon |
meta- | beyond |
phalang/o | of fingers or toes derived from phalanx |
brachi/o | arm |
cephal/o | head |
axill/o | armpit |
digit/o | finger or toe |
faci/o | relating to the face |
opthalm/o | eye |
palm/o | palm of the hand |
poplit/o | hollow of the knee |
cerebr/o | brain |
cerebell/o | little brain |
trans/o | across |
basil/o | of or situated at a base |
gastr/o | stomach |
transverse | to turn across |
diagon/o | to angle through |
dia- | across |
vena cava | hollow vein |
tars/o | ankle |
sphenoid/o | a wedge |
inter/o | between |
aort/o or aorta | "what is hung up" |
zygom/o | relating to the zygomatic bone |
vein | underground channel of water |
ligament/o | to bond |
femor/o | thigh bone |
fibul/o | clasp or brooch |
chamber | private room from latin camera "vault" |
medi/o | middle |
sacr/o | sacred a bone sought after during sacrifices |
coccyg/o | relating to the coccyx or cuckoos beak |
calcane/o | heel bone |
margin/o | relating to the edge of |
oblique | slanting |
myocardium | structure of the heart muscle |
conch/o | shellfish |
turbin/o | spinning top |
xiph/o | sword |
vert/o | to turn |
humer/o | shoulder (bone) |
radi/o | rod |
-ana | apart |
articul/o | joint |
stern/o | sternum |
thorac/o | chest |
acrom/o | to the highest |
trapez/o | little table |
-ion | (AC) Action or Condition |
arc/o or arch | bow |
sub/o | under |
common | shared by all |
carotid | relating to the carotid artery drowsiness to cut off carotid blood supply to cause "drowsiness", like a drunk |
clavis | key |
thyr/o | oblong shield |
bifurc/o | divided into two forks |
cric/o | shape of a ring |
nod/o | knot |
tri/o | three |
triquetr/o | three-cornered |
mal/o | cheek |
navic/o | boat |
cuneus | wedge |
proper | From Latin propro- "one's own" Modern: "strictly belonging to" |
papul/o | small protuberance |
apart | french: a parte "at the side" |
cric/o | ring-shaped |
ham/o | hook |
lingu/o | tongue |
kleid/o | kay clavicle, combining form |
gloss/o | tongue |
infra- | below |
bas/o | base |
axill/o | armpit |
palat/o | palace Mythology to the location of a cave located in Palatine Hill Palate of the mouth |
gutter/o | throat |
angul/o | angle |
trochle/o | pulley block |
mens/o | mind |
pteryg/o | wing-like |
maseter/o | to chew |
orb/o | circle |
greater | big (not Latin) |
lesser | little (not Latin) |
cavern/o | cave |
hyp/o | under |
ocul/o | eye |
muscul/o | little mouse |
centr/o | center pivoting point in drawing a circle like a compass |
peri- | around |
co- | together |
mamm/o | breast like a child saying "mamma" |
collater/o | side by side |
-al | pertaining to |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ar | pertaining to |
-um | structure of |
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