Hungarian Uprising, 1956


Key notes on the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. History IGCSE.
Drew Bott
Flashcards by Drew Bott, updated 9 months ago More Less
Created by fabiks almost 9 years ago
Drew Bott
Copied by Drew Bott over 5 years ago

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Causes - Political Wanted 'independence' from the Soviet Union; Dislike of Rakosi and his Stalinist ways - Use of the Secret Police (AVH) Encouraged by destalinisation; Failure of Gero (Rakosi's replacement) to improve matters
Causes - Social & Economic Russification - forced to learn Russian in schools, Russian signposts. Religion - suppression of Catholicism Food shortages - whilst USSR took agriculture from Hungary.
What was 'Destalinisation'? Khrushchev's attempt to 'denounce the excesses of Stalin's regime. Made in his 'Secret Speech' to the 20th Congress - 1956. Gave impression he was 'easing off' on controls of the Eastern Bloc countries
Intial events October 1956: riots in Budapest - students calling for 'democracy' & freedom of speech - pulled down statue of Stalin. Khrushchev replaces Gero with Imre Nagy - he declares a 'New Course' Tanks withdrawn.
Hungary under Nagy Nagy implements liberal reforms such as the end of the secret police and free elections, free speech etc. November: announces democratic elections and leaving the Warsaw Pact.
Khrushchev's reaction to Nagy's reforms Send in 6000 tanks - Hungary can't leave the Warsaw Pact Clashes in street with Soviet soldiers & tanks c 3000 Hungarians killed. New, pro-soviet government established under Kadar; Nagy's reforms abolished.
Outcomes - USSR: Kept Warsaw Pact intact, as well as USSR's security; set an example to other eastern bloc countries.
US response Eisenhower issues a statement condemning Soviet actions - deploring Soviet actions and stating 'The heart of America goes out to the people of Hungary.' BUT no political / military assistance to Hungary (Spheres of influence)
Context of the Cold War: Strengthened USSR's position in Eastern Europe; Indicated that Peaceful co-existence had its limits; West would not interfere with Soviet activities (they achieved a Stalemate).
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