Tests for aqueous cations


ASH stands for effects of aqueous sodium hydroxide AA stands for effect of aqueous ammonia
Luka Clark
Flashcards by Luka Clark, updated more than 1 year ago
Luka Clark
Created by Luka Clark over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aluminium ASH - white ppt. S.E giving a colourless solution AA - White ppt. I.E.
Ammonium ASH - ammonia produced on warming
Calcium ASH - White ppt. I.E AA - no ppt. or very slight white ppt.
Chromium ASH - Green ppt. S.E AA - Grey-green ppt. I.E
Copper ASH - Light blue ppt. I.E AA - light blue ppt. S.E giving a dark blue solution
Iron Fe 2+ ASH - Green ppt. I.E AA - Green ppt. I.E
Iron Fe 3+ ASH - red-brown ppt. I.E AA - red-brown ppt. I.E
Zinc ASH - white ppt. S.E giving a colourless solution AA - white ppt. S.E giving a colourless solution
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