Engineering REVISION


UnknownGrowth 21
Flashcards by UnknownGrowth 21, updated more than 1 year ago
UnknownGrowth 21
Created by UnknownGrowth 21 over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Renewable Resources Materials that can be re-grown or re-bred, so we do not run out.
Tidyman Encouraging being put in the bin.
Recycling Codes encouraging recycling.
what does ACCESSFM stand for? -Aesthetics -Cost -Customer -Environment -Size -Safety -Function -Material
What are the Aesthetics of a product? What does the product look like for e.g. shape, texture and colour.
What is the Cost of a product? How much the product costs and if it is a reasonable.
What is the Customer of a product? The person who purchases the product and who the product is aimed at (adults or children).
What is the Environment of a product? How the product could affect the environment through the life cycle of the product.
What is the Size of the product? The scale of a product and if it is a good size.
What is the Safety of a product? is the product safe for customer use? fixed via error proofing.
what is the function of a product? What the product is used for.
What is the Material of a product? what material is it made out of. Good or bad?
What are Anthropometrics? Analysis of human measurements changing the product.
What is the maintenance of a product Preserving a product of a certain quality.
what is the sustainability of a product The avoidance of depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an economic balance.
What is meant by a life cycle of a product? A cycle from the raw materials to the end of a products 'life' in which it is recycled. this involves raw materials, manufacture, transport, use and disposal. each one the these processes include energy.
What are the six Rs? Repair Rethink Reuse Refuse Recycle Reduce
what is an iconic design? Usually a design that is 'ground breaking' and one that sets new standards in its field. It is a design that other designers and manufacturers follow, as it becomes a bench mark for other similar products.
what is a design specification? A detailed document that provides information for a product such as sizes, performance and aesthetics.
explain what is meant by the term 'resource depletion' when the consumption of a material exceeds its replenishment. This could result in the material no longer being available for use.
What are Ergonomics? Ergonomics is the efficiency in which people work in the working environment.
what is the difference between function and Performance? Function is what the product does and its purpose and performance is how well the product does its purpose.
What are the features of a product? the features of the product are the distinctive aspects or attributes of it.
what would you do to make a product suitable for the target market? Make it: Competitive Aesthetically pleasing Ergonomic and well performing.
what are limitations and Constraints of a product? A limitation/ Constraint is something you must do or something you must not do.
What is a market pull? Market pull is when companies use techniques such as market research and receive user input by hosting user surveys in order to update/improve their product.
what is a technology push? A technology push is when companies push their new technology to their consumers without customer input.
What is the ease/design of manufacture? the process of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture.
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