HF Exam Review 2


Cardiac decompensation
Sam Adeyiga
Flashcards by Sam Adeyiga, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Created by Sam Adeyiga over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Explain "Backward failure" At EDV, filling is high and pressure is high = increased venous pressure = increased hydrostatic force = fluid leaves capillaries and into the tissues (Edema)
In pt w/ LEFT heart failure + "backward failure", which organ does this phenomenon affects and what is the consequence? It affects the lungs and causes pulmonary edema and congestion (RVD)
In pt w/ RIGHT heart failure + "backward failure", which organ does this phenomenon affects and what is the consequence? It affects soft tissue and the body cavity.
Cardiac Dysfunction in Decompensated Heart Failure will result in ....? Increased preload Increased afterload
What are the factors affecting Stroke volume? 1. Preload 2. Contractility 3. Afterload
Preload is 1. the amt of blood left (that is filled) in the left ventricle (could be both left and right ventricle) before contraction. 2. it is approximately the EDV 3. It is the same as LVDP (left ventricular diastolic pressure) 4. As the preload increases SV increases also, except when there is a HF
Afterload is ....? 1. The pressure requires to open aortic valve 2. It is the force of contraction requires to eject the blood from the ventricle through aorta and into the the systemic circulation. 3. It is the force the ventricle must overcome to eject blood. 4. Afterload = MAP
In a normal heart, increase in afterload (e.g., increased aortic pressure) --------- SV, and causes ESV to --------? decreases increase
In a normal heart, an increase in inotropy (e.g., produced by sympathetic activation of the heart) -------- SV and --------- ESV. increases decreases
In a normal heart, increase in preload will lead to --------- ventricular contractility, ---------- EDV and ------- SV? Increase Increase Increase
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