Vocabulary: Unit 14


8th grade English Flashcards on Vocabulary: Unit 14, created by Shreya Nair on 01/03/2020.
Shreya Nair
Flashcards by Shreya Nair, updated more than 1 year ago
Shreya Nair
Created by Shreya Nair about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ANNEX DEFINITION (v) to add to, attach; to incorporate EXAMPLE The earthquake caused so many injuries that the hospital had to _____ another unit to hold patients.
CORDIAL DEFINITION (adj) in a cordial manner, hearty; cheery EXAMPLE My friend's parents greet me warmly and cheerfully. They greet me in a _______ manner.
DEBACLE DEFINITION (n) an overwhelming defeat; a complete collapse of failure EXAMPLE The attack on foreign ships failed and made a huge mess. The attack was a _______.
EMBROIL DEFINITION (v) to involve in a conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion EXAMPLE Tim ran to the extreme fight between Jeff and Aidan.
HAPHAZARD DEFINITION (adj) by chance, not planned; lacking order EXAMPLE Many think the way she dresses is _________, but in reality, she puts a lot of effort into every outfit.
IMPROVISE DEFINITION (v) to compose or perform without preparation; to construct from available materials EXAMPLE Jack had to _________ his speech because he did not prepare beforehand.
PALLOR DEFINITION (n) an extreme or unnatural paleness EXAMPLE Her face was abnormally pale when she saw a ghost in her room. Her face displayed ______.
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