The five fundamental principles- Ethics AAT L3


Flashcards on The five fundamental principles- Ethics AAT L3, created by marie Oliver on 04/03/2015.
marie Oliver
Flashcards by marie Oliver, updated more than 1 year ago
marie Oliver
Created by marie Oliver over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
OBJECTIVITY This means that any decisions that are made should be based on real facts and should not be influenced by their own personal beliefs and feelings, or the attitudes of others. The accountant must always act fairly and sensitively without bias.
INTEGRITY The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to compromise. An accountant should be straightforward and honest in performing professional work and in all business relationships
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR Accountants should maintain the good reputation of the profession and should not do anything to discredit the profession
CONFIDENTIALITY Information obtained during the course of professional work should not be disclosed without proper and specific authority or unless there is a legal duty to do so.
PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND DUE CARE (SKILLS) Accountants need the necessary skills to do there job therefore they have a DUTY to keep themselves up to date with developments in the accounting profession. By completing CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(CPD) on a regular basis, by reading current information on technical developments or attending relevant training courses.
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