Guess the animal


Guess the riddles
Tatyana Belokamenskaya
Flashcards by Tatyana Belokamenskaya, updated more than 1 year ago
Tatyana Belokamenskaya
Created by Tatyana Belokamenskaya over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I have four legs. I am fat. I give meat. I oink. I am a ................... .
I have four legs. I eat grass. I give milk. I say Moo. I am a .................... .
I have two legs. I give eggs. I cluck. I am a .................. .
I have four legs. I live on a farm. I give wool. I say Baa. I am a ............... .
I have four legs. I am strong. You can ride me. I am a ................. .
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