
Health and Physical Education Flashcards on PHE1, created by Raheemah Afariogun on 08/06/2020.
Raheemah Afariogun
Flashcards by Raheemah Afariogun, updated more than 1 year ago
Raheemah Afariogun
Created by Raheemah Afariogun over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Basketball It is a team sport that consists of five players on each team and is played indoors
Who invented basketball James Naismith
Who was James Naismith He was a Canadian physical education instructor
When was basketball invented 1891
When was basketball introduced to women 1892
Who introduced basketball to women Senda Abbott
Where did professional basketball start New Jersey,USA
When did professional basketball start 1896
Is there a limited substitution No
Three ways ball can be moved around the court Dribbling, passing, tapping
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