Created by Kalia Schuster
over 4 years ago
Question | Answer |
Striped bass Morone saxatilis | |
Striped bass age determination | Use microscope to examine fish scale and count number of closely spaced rings formed around the edge of each scale, called annuli |
Typical sizes of bass at different ages | first year: 4-5" second year: 11" third: 16" fourth: 20" |
Parasites of Striped bass | Pacific lamprey - attaches and sucks body fluids Trypanorhyncha - intermediate life stage lives in bass, burrow in intestines and form masses in muscles of body wall, death of tissue Roundworm - Anisakis and Phocanema, can infect people and cause stomach tumors |
Juvenile striped bass | |
Striped bass: Status Fresh or Saltwater Spawning time, size, age Maturation time Egg requirements Spawning location Feeding locale Wintering location | Least Concern, Introduced Anadramous Spawn April-Mid June Spawn at 21-25 inches, 4-5 years old Males mature at 3, Females at 5 Moderate current needed to suspend spawned eggs Spawn in Delta/Upper Sac River, move downstream into brackish and salt water for summer and fall, feeding in San Fran bay Move to fresh water of Delta and lower Sac River during fall/winter |
White sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus | |
White Sturgeon: Status Fresh or Saltwater Average size Spawning age, location, time Egg and larvae characteristics Juvenile activity | Least Concern, but SSC (CDFW) Anadramous, found occasionally in the ocean but primarily reside in rivers and estuaries (southernmost spawning population) 109cm Spawn at 10-16 years old, males mature earlier Migrate from estuary into river in winter, spawn Feb-June, return to Delta Eggs hatch after 12 days Larvae swim actively before settling to bottom Juveniles move down-river in first year, reside in freshwater |
Juvenile white sturgeon | |
White sturgeon spawning habitat and threats | Primary habitat: middle Sac River and San Joaquin river Habitat loss, climate change, entrainment of early life stages into water diversions, contaminants from pollution and terrestrial runoff, poaching and illegal fishing |
White sturgeon angler report card limit | 1 fish/day 3 fish/year Between 40-60 inches in fork length Use single, barbless hook No gaffs or snares Remove no fish greater than 68" All fish caught must be put on report card Prohibited fishing between Highway 162 bridge to Kenswick Dam |
Anadramous rainbow trout, also known as steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss | |
Juvenile Rainbow trout | |
California Central Valley OMI: Status DPS composition | Federally listed (Threatened), no recorded state status Distinct Population Segment: naturally spawned in Sac and San Joaquin (excludes San Francisco and San Pablo) rivers/tributaries, Coleman National Fish hatchery, Feather River Fish hatchery |
South Central California Coast OMI: Status DPS composition | Federally listed (Threatened), no apparent state status Coastal basins from Pajaro River south to Santa Maria River (but not the river itself) |
Central California Coast OMI: Status DPS composition | Federally listed (Threatened), no apparent state status Russian river, Aptos creek, drainages of San Francisco, San Pablo, Suisun Bays eastward to Chipps island at the confluence of Sacramento/San Joaquin Rivers, tributary streams to Suisun Marsh (excludes Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin of CCV) |
Southern California OMI: Status DPS composition | Federally listed (Endangered), no apparent state status Coastal basins from Santa Maria River south of the Mexico border |
Northern California OMI: Status DPS composition | Federally threatened, no apparent state status Redwood Creek in Humboldt county to Gualala River in Mendocino County |
OMI (summer-run) status and distribution | SSC (CDFW) Middle Fork Eel River, Klamath Mountains, Province DPS, Northern Cal DPS |
Steelhead/trout: Fresh or Saltwater Weight/Size | Anadramous (steelhead) or freshwater (rainbow trout) Trout: 8-11lbs, Steelhead: 55lbs, 24" |
Winter vs Summer run steelhead | Summer run return earlier, in an immature state, to spawn in freshwater |
Steelhead maturation age Typical habitat | Males 2 years, Females 3 years Estuaries, open ocean (only return to fresh water to spawn, BUT can spend up to a year in fresh water and NOT spawn in their first year) |
Steelhead diet | Zooplankton when young Fish eggs, crustaceans, mollusks, small fish, mice when older |
White Sturgeon diet | Salmon, flounder, herring, mussels, crabs, barnacles, frogs, dead fish |
Striped bass diet | Plankton, insects, crustaceans, small fish throughout various stages of development (voracious feeders) |
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