Compare the aboiotic charachteristics of aquatic and terrestrial Enviromens


the aboiotic charachteristics of aquatic and terrestrial Enviromens
Flashcards by sophia.ergos, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophia.ergos almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Temperature (Aquatic + Terrestrial) AQUATIC: Small, Gradual Changes TERRESTRIAL: Large, Quick Changes
PRESSURE AQUATIC: Water Depth increases, Pressure increases. Deep-sea organism's must adapt to crushing of water above them. TERRESTRIAL: Small variation.
LIGHT AVAILABILITY AQUATIC: Cloud cover + Turbidity affects availability Water Reflects Light TERRESTRIAL Availability is Abundant Cloud cover has little effect
LANDSCAPE POSSITION AQUATIC: May affect light availability + temperature Also exposure to waves, tides, currents TEMPERATURE: May affect temperature, light availability. Runoff + erosion
RAINFALL AND WATER AVAILABILITY AQUATIC Water is abundant. organisms must adapt to the type of water in their environment in order to maintain water balance. TERRESTRIAL water is not abundant. organisms need to adapt to the amount of water in their environment.
SALINITY AND ION AVAILABILITY (Dissolved salts) AQUATIC: Available in abundance. Ions from decomposing organism are distributed to different water depths by currents. TERRESTRIAL: Available in soil -> Soil salinity. Plants must adapt to different soil salinitys.
pH (Acidity/ Alcline) AQUATIC: Varies depending on organic material and dissolved gasses available. Carbon Dioxide can lower pH of water making it more acidic. TERRESTRIAL: Soil pH can vary largely. plants must adapt to their soils pH
BUOYANCY ( Amount of support) AQUATIC: More Buoyancy than air TERRESTRIAL: Small Buoyancy. Land Organisms need supporting skeletal and muscular structures.
VISCOSITY (Resistance) AQUATIC: Very Viscous. More resistance , harder for an organism to move through it. TERRESTRIAL: Less viscous than water. Less Resistance, easier to move through
EXPOSURE TO NATURAL FORCES AQUATIC: Marine: Tides, currents, waves. Freshwater: Varying strengths of running water. TERRESTRIAL: wind, Rain vary depending on weather. range from monsoon and cyclones to floods and drought
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