Cellbiologi - lektion 1, organeller och cell intro


Flashcards on Cellbiologi - lektion 1, organeller och cell intro, created by Tova A on 18/01/2021.
Tova A
Flashcards by Tova A, updated more than 1 year ago
Tova A
Created by Tova A over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nuclear envelope dubbelmembranet runt cellkärnan porer som underlättar transport
Mitrokondrie Eget DNA och ribosomer Inre membraner är veckat (kallas Crista) Har ett "matrix" (muskelceller har många mitrokondrier)
Kloroplast Dubbelmembran Stromal matrix rich in metabolic enzymes, DNA and ribosomes (?) eget DNA
Thylakoids membrane-bound compartments inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. They are the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll are arranged in and around photosystems that are embedded in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. any of several related green pigments found in the mesosomes of cyanobacteria and in the chloroplasts of algae and plants. Chlorophyll is essential in photosynthesis, allowing plants to absorb energy from light.
Endoplasmatiska retikulum - continuous with the nuclear envelope - synthesis/modification of lipids and proteins "An irregular maze of interconnected spaces enclosed by a membrane (Figure 1–22). It is the site where most cell-membrane components, as well as materials destined for export from the cell, are made."
Golgi apparaten modifiering, sortering och packning av proteiner och lipider för sekretion eller leverans till organell
Lysosom intercellulär nedbrytning
Peroxisom membrane-bound organelles (excreted by Golgi) that contain enzymes for oxidation (oxidase) of amino acids and detoxifying (catalase) harmful substances
Cytosol the cytosol is the part of the cytoplasm that is not contained within intracellular membranes. It contains a host of large and small molecules, crowded together so closely that it behaves more like a water-based gel than a liquid solution.
cytoskeleton - mechanical strength - responsible for cell shape and movements/transport - composed of three major filament types: actin filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules
Nuclear lamina a dense fibrillar network inside the nucleus of most cells. It is composed of intermediate filaments and membrane associated proteins.
Microtubili - thickest - formed by polymerisation of tubulin dimer subunits - polarized (+ and -) - cilia och flagella
Actin filaments - thinnest - a central part of the machinery responsible for muscle contraction
Intermediate filaments serve to strengthen most animal cells
Centrosome dynamic microtubule-organising centre near the nucleus
Motor proteins DYNEIN & KINESIN
Muscle contraction actin filaments slide against myosin filaments triggered by a rise of cytosolic Ca2+ influx
Vacuole (in plants) regulating concentration of water in changing environmental conditions ...
Skelettmuskler myofibrils > sacromere > actin filament + myosin
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