

Urinary System Test cards
Flashcards by ClairM, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ClairM over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The kidneys two million or more nephrons form URINE by a series of what three processes? 1. Filtration 2. Re absorption 3. Secretion
What process does the formation of URINE begin with? Filtration
What PROCESS happens continually in the Renal Corpuscles? Filtration
What exerts pressure in the Glomeruli? Blood
The Glomeruli blood pressure is high enough to to push what out of the Glomeruli and into the Bowmans Capsule? Water and dissolved substances
What does the Glomerular blood pressure cause briefly? Filtration through the glomerular-capsular membrane
What ceases as a result of low Glomerular blood pressure? Filtration and urine formation cease
What are one of the factors that cause kidney failure? Hemorrhaging that result in a massive drop in blood pressure
Glomerular filtration normally occurs at the rate of how many mL's per minute? 125 Milliliters (mL) per minute
How many liters of Glomerular Filtrate is produced by the kidneys each day? 180 Liter (L) About 190 quarts
What is produced by the kidneys everyday? Glomerular Filtrate
Fluids and nutrients leave the blood by way of what? Glomerular filtration
Glomerular filtration is also known as what? The first process in urine formation
The fluids and nutrients that leave the body by Glomerular Filtration is reclaimed and returned to the blood by what process? Tubular Reabsorption
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