social 20 studying


exploring nationalism flashcards
Flashcards by jadyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jadyn over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
which understanding of nation supports the position that Tibet can appropriately be called a "nation" because of the peoples' desire for self-government? political understanding of nation
Which understandings of nation look at the shared ideas of a group of people who have the same language and way of life? linguistic understanding of nation & cultural understanding of nation
which understanding of nation supports the idea that nations result from the sense of isolation created by physical barriers such as mountains, oceans, and deserts? geographic understanding of nation
Jewish people are dispersed throughout the world. Which understanding of nation helps to explain their sense of nation? Religious or Spiritual understanding of nation
ethnic nationalism divides people into us and them. in extreme cases, this is dangerous because it can lead to... intolerance and racism
"the same person can be, without any contradiction, an american citizen, of caribbean origin, with african ancestry, a christian...." the excerpt BEST provides support for the conclusion that... people have many different identities
"every nation has a creation story to tell...." for many Canadians, the battle of Vimy Ridge is Canada's creation story because , for the first time... Canadian soldiers fought together for the first time and did what the French and British could not
(chart with arrows about ethnic and civic nationalism) which question BEST describes the content of the chart? how do civic and ethnic nationalism compare?
(aspects of nation chart) the aspect of a nation that supports the conclusion that nationhood has the potential to be constructive or destructive is... aspects 3: can unite or divide people
which additional aspect of a nation could be added where the question mark is to complete the illustration? is constantly evolving
(kind of nation chart) what kind of nation is identified by these characteristics? civic nation
this kind of nation is MOST likely to have a... constitution and legal guarantee of rights
which statement BEST describes Canada's relationship to this kind of nation? Canada is this kind of nation
(action and motivation chart) which action and motivation are incorrectly paired? IV: action- delegates swear the tennis court oath and proclaim themselves a national assembly motivation- want to stop opposition to the revolution that was growing in france
the motivation that BEST completes the chart is... the revolutionaries want to prevent foreign monarchs from reinstating the king
(factors that shaped french nationalism list) factor 3 (the french monarchy loaned money to revolutionaries fighting britain for independence) can be categorized as an... economic factor
the two factors with a common category are... 1 and 2
(comic w/ 2 people on a peasant) the group from french society at the time that would MOST strongly agree with the message conveyed in the cartoon is the... peasants
the cartoon focuses on an injustice that was a direct result of... the divisions of french society into 3 estates
which negative outcome was a result of quebec's adoption of bill 101? the head offices of many companies moved from montreal to toronto, causing an economic downturn in quebec
the government's use of royal commissions to address complicated issues is weakened because... a royal commissions recommendations do not have to be implemented
a common feature of the oka crisis (1990) and the James Bay and Northern Quebec Settlement (1975) was that the... FN involved won some concessions from the federal government
the PRIMARY motivation for Quebec passing bill 101 was to... prevent further erosion of french language and culture
in 1990, the federal government ruled that the Sikh RCMP officers are allowed to wear their turbans on the job. many Canadians objected because the change compromised the RCMP uniform as a national symbol. this objections fails to acknowledge that Sikhs... Are entitled the reasonable accommodation.
sources 1 (about immigration's effects towards host country) and 2 (patriotism) best address which question? has multiculturalism contributed to or detracted from a Canadian identity?
with which statement would the authors of source 1 and 3 (Canada has never been a melting pot, more like a tossed salad) MOST likely agree? immigration has played a major role in Canada's developement
how would the authors of source 1 and 2 respond to source 3? they would both agree with it
(inuit cartoon) this cartoon appeared as a response to... Quebec passing Bill 101
which of the following examples is NOT focused on foreign policy? Canada makes a constitutional amendment to grant First Nations more control over their financial affairs
which view or belief concerning national interest is false? national identity has no impact on national interest
most historians believe that the treaty of Versailles imposed on Germany after WW1 was based on... vengeance against an aggressor state
many contemporary international issues involving the Middle East can be traced back to... frustrated Arab nationalism and broken promises by the colonial powers
(Stephen Harper cartoon and poll) which statement about the sources are the most accurate? source 1 and 2 both indicate that canadians are divided over the issue of arctic sovereignty
(kofi annan quote) according to the source, when citizens think about their country's national interest, they need to pay more attention to... common international issues
if the canadian government was to put kofi annan's suggestion into action, it would... make a stronger claim for arctic sovereignty
(Woodrow Wilson and League of Nations sources) source 5 (comic of wilson) is MOST consistent with the view expressed in... source 3 (discussing Woodrow Wilson)
the cartoonist in source 1 (muzzled dog) ignored the fact that... the league lacked the military means to curb aggression
(sources about the military role in Afghanistan) which concern about Canada's involvement in Afghanistan is NOT addressed by the sources? the financial cost of the mission
source 2 (poll) indicates that most... Canadians believe Canada's role in Afghanistan is related to its responsibility towards international security
source 1 (military cartoon about democracy) and 2 (poll) supports the conclusion that... in democratic countries people have the right to question government policies
"Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Ferdinand...." the given statement suggests the main for the assassination was to promote... nationalistic ambitions
in deciding to adopt a policy of appeasement towards fascist dictators, the British and the French governments largely ignored... collective security apparatus of the League of Nations
some people believe that nationalism becomes ultranationalism when people move from valuing their own nation and its interests to... hostility towards other nations
which of the following actions would be the LEAST compatible with the principles and goals of the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin? using appeasement in response to unrest from an ethnic minority
during the inter-war years, the political goals of Nazi Germany were similar to those of Fascist Japan in that both countries... used the education system as a propaganda tool
one of the main reason why the Germans accepted Nazism was the... economic hardship created by the Great Depression
one of the main reasons Chamberlain used appeasement was to resolve the crisis created by Hitler's takeover of the Sudetenland was the... desire to avoid another major war
sources 1, 2 and 3 suggest that the purpose of propaganda is to... portray your opponent as evil and make yourself appear morally superior
the messages presented in these sources would have the least effect on people who were... well informed
the leagues proposal to deal with aggression was... unsuccessful because league members lacked commitment
genocide is most likely to occur in countries that have a... small visible minority
some people argue that the UN's response to the critical situation in Rwanda in the mid 1990's was a colossal failure because it... did not prevent the slaughter of 800 000 people
ethnic cleansing as implemented by the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia was an act of... genocide
the Manhattan Project and the subsequent nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki provide evidence that... the US was prepared to go to any lengths to win WW2
there is considerable optimism that crimes against humanity are going to be less prevalent in the future. which reason for increased optimism is false? globalism has decreased the number of ultranationalist groups
the victims to the Hutu's were the... Tutsis
source 3 (picture of woman and child in front of bomb remnants) disputes the claim that... the bombs were a deliverance for the Japanese people
Canada's membership in NATO is motivated by a desire for... peace and security
the international response to the tsunami that hit SE Asia in 2006 is evidence that nations are often motivated to act by the need to... relieve suffering and assist people in need
by joining the EU nations engage in... supranationalism
which organization involves the world community working together to promote global economic stability? WTO
what kind of approach does the WHO have? internationalist approach
borders between countries create... power struggles
in democracies, individuals and groups can influence foreign policy using a variety of legal and effective methods. these methods include all EXCEPT... preventing people from voting until the government changes its policy
governments sometimes refuse to take an internationalist approach to solving problems because internationalism can mean... giving up control over aspects of sovereignty
international law, as it applies to treaties, agreements, and UN resolutions... is interpreted and enforced by the world court
why was the outright ban on landmines proposed by the united nations convention on inhumane weapons ineffective? the UN was unable to enforce it
what is NOT a way that countries can promote internationalism? by increasing taxes on imported goods
the use of economic sanctions is controversial because... sanctions hurt a state's citizens rather than the government
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