Periods of the English Language


Flashcards on Periods of the English Language, created by C. Silva on 09/05/2023.
C. Silva
Flashcards by C. Silva, updated more than 1 year ago
C. Silva
Created by C. Silva almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Old English - 450-1100 D.C. : It occurred with the invasion of the Germanic tribes in Britain, bringing linguistic influences.
• Middle English – 1100-1500:. It took place with the Norman invasion which influence of the French language was incorporated in the English language.
• Modern English - Early Modern English -1500-1800: Since the 16th century, the British were in contact with different people around the world and collected several linguistic influences from all of them. - Late Modern English – 1800- nowadays: This period was characterized by the extensive introduction of new vocabulary, a fact determined by the following circumstances: a) The Industrial Revolution, with the increasing use of technology, required the introduction of more words. b) The British Empire dominated a wide part of the world and, influenced by the colonized countries, they ended up adopting several words, introducing them in the English vocabulary.
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