Linguistics COMP Review


The questions and answers (everything possible for the Comps) are here.
Anagha Vippagunta
Flashcards by Anagha Vippagunta, updated more than 1 year ago
Anagha Vippagunta
Created by Anagha Vippagunta almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is linguistics ? The study of language , how it changes , grammar , and how it develops
What is prescriptive grammar ? The rules that govern how to use a language
what is descriptive grammar ? I What a language is , how people actually use it
What are hockets 7 design features ? Semanticity , interchangeability , arbitrariness , displacement , pre varication , cultural transmission , and productivity .
What is semanticity ? Do animals exhibit this feature ? Give an example . Animals communicate for a specific purpose , usually for defense predator earnings , attracting a male , and alerting others to food . All animals exhibit this feature . Example : monkeys
What is interchangeability ? Do animals exhibit this feature ? Give an example . sending and receiving messages . Some do , some dont . Elephants can
What is arbitrariness ? Do animals exhibit this feature ? There is no relationship between the sounds of a word and the word itself . Yes
What is displacement ? Can animals do this , give an example Talking about things that occur at a different place or time . Yes Honey bee waggle dance
What is cultural transmission ? Can animals do this ? Language is learned through social interaction . Yes
What is prevarication ? Can animals do this We can say things that are untrue or meaningless . Maybe
What is productivity ? Can animals do this We have the ability to produce an infinite number of sentences . NOOOO
Do animals have language ? NO
How do Hocket's Design Features help us define language and differentiate it from communication systems ? Ill come back to this
How do linguists ethically study humans ? They have to protect participants and their privacy , ensure that their data is anonymous , and help participants feel more comfort able about participating
What is informed consent ? A participant's agreement to take part in a study after being told what to expect .
Brittany is conducting an experiment about native languages . She goes to different Native American tribes , and tells them all about her experiment and if they would like to participate . After Brittany is done with her experiment , she posts her results on a website of many famous linguists that she would like to work with , and she hides her evidence in her kitchen cabinet . What could Brittany do better ? A ) she could shred her results in a shredder B ) post her results on a private account with only people she knows C ) never post her results D ) both A & C
What makes a good experiment ? Unbiased , controlled , repeated trials , and valid
What does it mean for something to be unbiased ? The researchers opinions or feelings should not affect the out come .
What does it mean for something to be controlled ? H Does not allow outside factors to affect the results
What does it mean for something to be valid ? 1 I Actually tests the researcher's hypothesis
What does it mean for something to have repeated trials ? 1 The more trials , the more accurate the results
What are conditions ? Each way that the independent variable is changed
What is a dialect ? When a group of speakers of a particular language speak signif icantly different from another group of speakers .
What is an idiolect ? Speech is different from person to person
What is lexical change ? " New words being created
What is sound change ? Its when the PRONUNCIATION of a word changes example = cot -- > caught
What is grammar change ? When the grammar is changed . Parts of speech change from one to the other - > DM noun- > verb
What is visual analysis ? Something that allows the researcher visually indenting your pat terns and trends in their data
What is statistical analysis ? Allows the researcher to test their hypothesis
What is statistical significance ? The indicator of how confident we are that the results are not random
What languages are part of the indo - European language family English , Spanish , Russian , Urdu , Persian , Greek , German , French , Latin , and hindi
What languages are part of the Sino - Tibetan language family ? Mandarin , Cantonese , hu , Tibetan , and Burmese
What are some Romance languages ? HE Italian , French , Spanish , Portuguese , and Romanian
What is the largest language family ? Indo - European family
What did the language Indo - European evolve from ? I 1 Proto - Indo - European
What was the steppe theory ? 1 Porto - l do - Europeans were warriors called the Kurgans
What is the Anatolian Hypothesis ? Porto - Indo Europeans were peaceful people who lived ~ 7000 BCE
What is the oldest Latin inscription ? Duenos inscription
What did the vulgar dialects evolve into ? The romance languages
What were the vulgar dialects influenced by ? 11 The people that Rome had conquered
What languages influenced Spanish ? 11 I H Arabic and some Germanic languages
What tribes were part of the Germanic language family ? I H Saxons , anglos , Norse , franks , goths , vandals
Is English a Germanic language ? I Yesss
What tribes / cultures influenced English specifically Old English Old Norse and the Anglo saxons
How did English get so many Latin roots The Norman invasion
What is the ancestor of sins- Tibetan I I Proto - sino tibetan
Is Chinese one language ? I H No
What is the lexicon ? 11 || mental dictionary
What are some analogies of the lexicon ? A filing cabinet , an encyclopedia , and a dictionary
What is a neologism ? A new word / meaning
What are acronyms ? Words that are formed out of particular letters or sounds from a phrase . Ex : NATO , NASA , LASER , SCUBA , etc.
Blends Blending 2 or more other words together . Ex : spork , brunch , chillax
Borrowing taking words from other languages Ex : deja vu , algebra , aloha
Clippings The deletion of some part of a longer word to give a shorter word with the same meaning : e.g. , phone from telephone , fridge from refrigerator
Compounds Combining 2 or more words without blending eg : photobomb , waterfall , butterfly
Conversions Converting a word from one part of speech to another . Ex : laugh , DM
Eponym a person whose name is , or is thought to be , the source of the name of something . Ex : joules , Washington
Coinages Newly invented words .
What is the difference between abbreviations and acronyms Abbreviations are said with the letters , acronyms are said as words
What does morphological mean ? Possible word forms
What is the difference between a noun in English and a noun in linguistics A noun in English is semantic while a noun in linguistics is syn tactic and morphological
What is the difference between articles in English vs linguistics In English articles are a type of adjective , but in linguistics articles are not adjectives because they don't go in the same places as adjectives .
What is the difference between a root and a stem ? H Roots can be broken down but stems can't
What is a morpheme ? " I A part of a word
What is an affix A part of a word that affixes onto another part of a word . Eg : suffix , prefix , infix , and circumfix
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