AQA GCSE Biology B1 unit 1


These are just a few questions based on Biology B1 unit 1, trying to help out any one doing their GCSE's with some simple and more difficult questions with answers on the back. Good luck.
Hollie Clark
Flashcards by Hollie Clark, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Olivia Phillips
Created by Olivia Phillips almost 9 years ago
Interstellar 123
Copied by Interstellar 123 almost 9 years ago
Hollie Clark
Copied by Hollie Clark almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why do you need to eat food? You eat food to release the energy you need to live and to build new cells.
Why does a pregnant woman need more energy than a woman who isn't pregnant? A pregnant woman will need more energy because they are carrying extra weight. Also they will need to provide energy for the baby.
Why do athletes need to eat more food than the average person? The amount of exercise you do affects the amount of energy you need. So the more you exercise the more food you need to take in.
What health problems are linked to obesity? Heart disease and high blood pressure.
What must you do to loose weight? By cutting back the amount of food you take in and by increasing the amount of exercise you do.
Why do you need cholesterol in your body? You need cholesterol for your cell membranes and to make vital hormones.
How could you change your cholesterol levels? By doing exercise.
What causes infectious diseases? Infectious diseases are cause by microorganisms entering and attacking your body.
How do viruses differ to bacteria? 1) Bacteria is smaller than viruses 2) Bacteria can be used for helpful things e.g for food or medicine. 3) Viruses cause diseases in every living organism from people to bacteria.
How do pathogens make you feel Ill? Once the pathogens enter your body they start to reproduce rapidly. Bacteria simply split in two - whilst producing toxins (poisons) Viruses take over cells whilst reproducing, destroying and damaging the cells.
What are the four main ways infectious diseases can be spread? 1) Droplet infection 2) Direct contact 3) Contaminated food or drink 4)Through a break in your skin
What are the three main ways in which your body prevents pathogens from getting in? 1) Your skin (acts as a barrier) 2) Scabs (stopping pathogens entering the wound) 3) Mucus & acid
Why don't medicines act like aspirin actually cure your Illness? Because you have to wait for your immune system to overcome the pathogens.
What is an antibiotic? An antibiotic is a medicine that can work inside your body to kill the bacteria that cause diseases.
How do antibiotics work? Antibiotics work by killing the bacteria that cause disease while they are inside your body, They damage the bacterial cells without harming your own cells.
Who was the first person to discover penicillin? Alexander flemming
What is agar jelly? A liquid or gel containing nutrients.
Why must everything be sterilised before you start a culture? It kills of any unwanted microorganisms.
Why is it important not to use antibiotics too frequently? Because many types of bacterium have developed antibiotic resistance as a result of natural selection.
Is MRSA a bacterium or a virus? Bacteria.
What is an antigen? Every cell has unique proteins on its surface called antigens. Your white blood cells make antibodies which join up with the antigens.
What is an antibody? Antibodies destroy antigens without any risk of you getting the disease.
Give one example of one bacterial and one viral disease which you can be immunised against. Bacterial: Tetanus and diphtheria Viral: Polio, measles and mumps
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