Chapter 8 - IP Subnetting and intro to NAT


Network + Flashcards on Chapter 8 - IP Subnetting and intro to NAT, created by ehmartinson on 10/01/2014.
Flashcards by ehmartinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ehmartinson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are some of the reasons for subnetting? Reduced network traffic, Optimized network performance, simplified management, Facilitated spanning of large geographical distance.
What is accomplished by assigning a subnet mask to each machine on a network? Shows which part of the IP address is the host address and which part is the subnet.
What does slash notation on an IP address tell you? How many bits are turned on on the subnet mask.
What is the slash notation, and Decimal number for the binary number 11110000 /28 - 240
Describe Static NAT (SNAT) 1 to 1 mapping between local and global addresses.
Describe Dynamic NAT Map an unregistered IP address to a registered address from a pool of IP addresses.
Describe overloading Many to one mapping, It maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered IP address by using different port numbers.
What is the NAT term Inside local? Name of the inside source address before translation
What is the NAT term "Outside local"? Name of the destination host before translation.
What is the NAT term "Inside global"? Name of the inside host after translation.
What is the NAT term "Outside Global"? Name of the outside destination host after translation.
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