Chapter 5 - Networking Devices


Network + Mind Map on Chapter 5 - Networking Devices, created by ehmartinson on 10/12/2013.
Mind Map by ehmartinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ehmartinson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 5 - Networking Devices
  1. Common Network Connectivity Devices
    1. Hub
      1. Connects all the segments of the network together in a star topology
        1. Nothing more than glorified repeater incapable of recognizing frams or data structures.
        2. NIC
          1. Provides the physical, electrical, and electronic connestions to the network media.
          2. Bridge
            1. Network device that connects 2 similar network segments together
              1. Primary function is to keep traffic separated / breaking up collision domains.
              2. Basic Router
                1. Connect many, sometimes disparate network segments. Combining them into an internetwork / Break up Collision & Broadcast domains
                  1. Interfaces must be configured, enabled and assigned an IP address
                2. Basic Firewall
                  1. Software or hardware device that protects LAN resources from invaders
                    1. Internet is on Public side
                      1. Network is on the Private side
                    2. DHCP
                      1. Assigns IP address to hosts
                        1. Runs on top of BootP protocol
                      2. Switch
                        1. Connect multiple segments / Break up collision domains
                          1. Recognizes frames
                            1. pays attention to the source and destination MAC address of incoming frame
                              1. Pays attnention to the port on which it was recieved
                          2. Other Specialized Devices
                            1. Multilayer Switch
                              1. Load Balancer
                                1. DNS Server
                                2. Planning/Implenting a Basic SOHO Network using Network Segmentation
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