Biology 108 - Evolution of Multicellular Organisms and History


Chemistry 101 Biology 108 Flashcards on Biology 108 - Evolution of Multicellular Organisms and History, created by jennabarnes12387 on 22/01/2014.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
If larger cells function easier why aren't all cells large? Larges cells take longer to bring in raw materials, dispose of wastes and use up more material. a large group of small cells doing the same job with work faster and use less resources then one large cell
What was the benefits for Autotrophs to become multicellular? it optimized their ability to grow and reproduce by using specializing cells
Why did heterotrophs benefit from becoming multicellular? this allowed them to be bigger in size so they had more the prey and we less likely to become prey
What is a downside to being a large multicellular organism? The gestation period is longer in reproduction. the animal has to stay alive long enough to reproduce even if it takes years
What is the syntactical model? explains how cell specialization results in interdependence to retain a single organism. it starts with precursor cells which have more then one nucleus. also precursors can be ciliated protozoans. as these cells starts to divide they form a semi-connected group called a syncytium which is all the multinuclei cells that haven't specialized yet
What is radical symmetry? when a cell can be divided into many equal parts
What is bilateral symmetry? a cell that can only be divided into two different parts
What is the colonial model? similar to the syncial model but a better description. Describes how similar cells end up close to each other and then start to specialize. they then become interdependent and start to form a multicellular organism
how did mutlicellularism start in plants? began in photosynthetic algae called chlorophytas. it increased there ability to create healthy and fertile gametes and be more productive as a group
Where did multicellularism start in animals? the earliest know start was with sea sponges. instead of complicated tissues the animals have a simple filtering system for food and a small number of specialized cells
What are the three eras that we will mostly be studying? Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic
When was the Cambrian period? why is it important? 542-438 billion years ago. when most early multicellular organisms started to develop
What is Lagerstatten? a German word used in palaeontology to describe a site with particularly good fossil preservation
What are the characteristics of a well preserved site? areas where there were high temperatures, rapid sediment cover, no reworking currents so the fossils stay protected, little or no alteration after burial, and a diversity of different species.
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