The multi-store memory model


My flashcards on the MSM- AQA psychology
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who came up with the Multi-store model theory? Atkinson and Shiffrin
What is the multi-store model? A representation of how memory works in term of three stores. it describes how information in transferred and how it is remembered/forgotten.
How many stores are in the multi-store model? 3
What are the three stores of the MSM? The sensory register, the short term memory, the long term memory
What is the sensory register? The memory store for each of our five senses such as vision and hearing.
What are the two examples of subdivisions of the sensory register? Iconic- visual information echoic- auditory information
What is the duration of the Sensory register? less than half a second
What is the capacity of the sensory register? very large because it has millions of receptors.
How do you transfer information from your short term memory into your long term memory? maintenance rehearsal allows us to keep in in our STM and prolonged rehearsal passes it to our LTM.
What is the term for recalling information? Retrieval- you retrieve information from your LTM to your STM so you can remember it
What is a strength of the MSM? Supporting research evidence- Baddaley found that the STM and LTM are coded differently, which proves they are two separate stores and supports what the MSM claims.
What is a weakness of the MSM? MSM states that the STM is one unitary store but the study into KF shows that this may not be true. his recall of digits where read to him was poor, but was good when he read them to himself. There must be one to process visual and one to process auditory.
Who was HM? HM was an case study where his hippocampus was removed accidentally in a brain surgery to treat epilepsy. He had no long term memory.
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