East Asia Terms


there was just a few I didn't get
Joanne Versteeg
Flashcards by Joanne Versteeg, updated more than 1 year ago
Joanne Versteeg
Created by Joanne Versteeg over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mandate of Heaven the power to rule from a deity, morally worthy to rule, may lose Mandate
scholar-official people who were attacked during the Cultural Revolution because they followed old beliefs, scholar-literus are the most honoured group of people in China, there are innovators and conservatives
CCP Chinese Communist Party, they choose the president and vice president, only political party that has actual influence
oracle bones one of the oldest forms of writing, carving into turtle shells
Ren virtue
Li ritual
Yi loyalty
Filial Piety respect, obedience, care for: father, elders, and ancestors
Ch'i your energy (flow), can be enhanced by certain exercises and meditaiton
Alchemy in Taoism/Daoism people believed they could use alchemy to turn mercury to gold, herbal medicines, gunpowder and to find immortality if you are worthy
Yin/yang "principle of natural and complementary forces depend on one another" in harmony with nature = harmony in the state
Fa strict laws in legalism, rewards and punishment all equally applied, group responsibility, best protection is to inform
Revolutionary League idk
Four Pests Mao Zedong was trying to get rid of them during the Great Leap Forward. Mosquitos, flies, sparrows, rats.
Cultural Revolution was there to "weed out those in authority of taking the capitalist road". schools and universities were shut for years (secondary 2 and universities 4). Mao Zedong wanted to exterminate the four olds (thoughts, customs, culture, and habits).
Red Guards Children who worked for Mao during the Cultural Revolution to get rid of the four olds and attacked teachers, school and local officials, intellectuals, and people with traditional views. including their own family.
SEZ's (Special Economic Zones) a place where foreign companies can work in China if they have a Chinese partner. these places offer jobs for the Chinese and have helped their economy immensely.
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