Market Segmentation and Targeting


Second Year Marketing (Term 1 ) Flashcards on Market Segmentation and Targeting , created by Alex Millar on 25/05/2016.
Alex Millar
Flashcards by Alex Millar, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Millar
Created by Alex Millar about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the four steps in designing a customer driven market strategy? Market segmentation Market targeting Differentiation Marketing Positioning
What is a market? A group of potential buyers who need and have the ability, willingness and authority to buy a given product
What are the requirements for a market? Basic Needs and Wants Ability to Pay Willing to Act Authority to do so (legal rights e.g. alcohol 18+)
Why are these all important factors Because if consumers are not able to act it's not really a market place e.g. under 18s is not a market place for clubs/alcohol shops e.g. majestic
What else is an important element to note about markets? That where are different types of markets B2B B2C different buying procedures and behaviours and powers
What are the reasons for doing market segmentation anyway Customer Analysis - different customers have different needs/want/perceptions of value Competitor Analysis - are there any needs they're not fulfilling? Have they missed a target group? Is there something you can do better?
What are the reasons for doing market segmentation anyway Resources - Helps with management and allocation of them. Different customers may require different parts/resources e.g. different gearboxes for BMW and VW Planning - you can tailor marketing plans specifically to behaviours and need of different customer segments
what is the order of the steps in developing this customer driven market strategy Select Customers to Serve SEGMENTATION - divide market into smaller segments TARGETING - choose which segment(s) to serve
What is the order of the steps in developing this customer driven market strategy? Decide on Value Proposition DIFFERENTIATION - differentiate offer to create value POSITIONING - Position the offer in the minds of the target customers
What's the end goal of this whole process? To create value for the target customers
What is market segmentation? Divide large heterogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and services that match their unique needs
What are the forms of segmentation No segmentation Single variable segmentation Multi Variable segmentation
What does no segmentation mean? You directly target individuals Mainly in B2B markets although internet and use of cookies has allowed for very tailored B2C adverts/offers
What is single variable segmentation? When you use one individual segmentation bases E.g. geographic by country only Usually used when a company is growing
What is multi variable segmentation Its more complex Its when you use multiple segmentation bases for very specific customer analysis and targeting Have to find the most appropriate base for you organisation/product
What do most organisations do during this process They go through the segmentation over and over again until they hit their goldmine segment
Give an example of a company that used/uses mutli variable segmentation Calvin Klein CKIn2U campain male and female age - young Lifestyle - socialites, sexually active (16/18+) Urban location ...White??? "In2U" text speaks reiterate young target market
Segmentation Bases for customer markets Geographic Demographic GeoDemographic Psychographic Behavioural
What does geographic segmentation involve? Dividing the market into different geographical units Nations, Regions, States, Counties, Cities, Neighbourhoods Size, Density, Climate
Give an example of somebody who uses geographic segmentation TESCO they tailor their stores to the location Extra - out skirts of towns/cities Metro - inner city Express - emergency road side/small town One Stop - neighbourhood local without Tesco Name
What does demographic segmentation involve? Dividing the marketing up into groups based on demography variables Age, Gender, Occupation, Education, Income, Life cycle stage, Family Size, religion, race, nationality
Are there any problems with this? Slightly stereotypical? Especially with regards to age/gender in the plight for equality and LGBT committee
What are the stages of the family life cycle Bachelor Newly Wed Full Nest 1 2 3 Empty Nest 1 2 Solitary Survivor 1 2 Doesn't necessarily happen in that order
What is geodemographic segmentation When you divide markets up into groups based on geographic units and demographic categories ACORN stores data by location and categories it by demography units (very specific categories)
What is psychographic segmentation? Divide market up based on social class, lifestyle and personality Horse & Hound AMEX
What is behavioural segmentation? Dividing the market into groups based on knowledge, attitudes, uses and responses to/of a product
What are some behavioural segmentation bases? Occasion AFTER EIGHTS User Status First Time/regular Usage rate How Often Loyalty Status Benefit segmentation - what is the customer seeking COLGATE whiter teeth, healthy gums, nice breath
How can we segment Business markets Demographic Operating Variables Purchasing approaches Situational factors Individual characteristics
What are the demographic factors industry company size location
what are the operating variables bases Technology User status customer capabilities
What are the purchasing approaches bases Purchasing function Power structure Existing relations Purchase policies Purchasing criteria
what are the situational factors urgency specific application size of order
what are the personal characteristics similarity attitudes to risk loyalty
What is intermarket segmentation? Group consumers together who have similar needs and buyer behaviour even though they're in different countries
What are the requirements for effective segmentation MASDA Measurable Accessible Substantial Differentiable Actionable
What is market TARGETING Evaluating the identified segments and deciding how many and which segments the company can serve best
What are the four tiers of segment attractiveness FIRST TIER - is it profitable in the long term SECOND TIER - how fast is the market growing and what volume can we get THIRD TIER - whats the competition like - will we stand out FOURTH TIER - how stable is it are there any emerging techs that can substitute us
What are the strategies for market targeting? 1. Undifferentiated Marketing 2. Differentiated (segmented) Marketing 3. Concentrated (niche) Marketing 4. Micro Marketing
What factors affect the choice of target market strategy Company resources - budget, capacity Product Variability - phones, cars, laptops Product Life Cycle Stage - growth/decline? Market Variability Competitors market strategy - what needs/who's needs did they miss
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