Created by savannahselph
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Зима | Winter |
Весна | Spring (season) |
Лето | Summer |
Осень | Fall (season) |
Зимой | In the winter |
Весной | In the spring |
Летом | In the summer |
Осенью | In the fall |
Январь | January |
Февраль | February |
Март | March (month) |
Апрель | April |
Май | May (month) |
Июнь | June |
Июль | July |
Август | August |
Сентябрь | September |
Октябрь | October |
Ноябрь | November |
Декабрь | December |
Месяц | Month |
Погода | Weather |
Здание | Building n. |
Экзамен | Exam |
Каникулы | School vacation (usually add season before in sentence) |
Жетон | Token |
Энергичные | Energetic |
Или | Or |
Весёлые | Funny |
Европе | Europe |
Футбол | Football (soccer) |
Баскетбол | Basketball |
бейсбол | Baseball |
Мексико | Mexico |
Играть | To play |
Простой | Simple |
Часто | Often |
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