Behavior Terms


Glossary and definition of terms in the behavior unit
Michelle Jones4531
Flashcards by Michelle Jones4531, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Jones4531
Created by Michelle Jones4531 about 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Behavior Modification Programs Training courses that use rewards and reprimands to stimulate changes in behavior
Behaviorism The ethological approach that states behavior is learned rather than genetically programmed
Breaking Litter Box Training When a cat urinates or defecates someplace other than its litter box
Classical Conditioning The type of conditioned learning that associates stimuli occurring at approximately the same time or in roughly the same area
Classical Ethology The ethological approach asserting that much of what animals know is instinctive or innate
Conditioned Stimulus Sensory input unrelated to a simple reflex behavior
Dance A complex pattern of movements performed by a bee that directs other bees to a food source
Ethology The study of animal behavior
Evolution The scientific theory that characterizes all related organisms as descended from common ancestors
Fixed Action Patterns A term used by early ethologists to describe stereotypical or predictable behaviors of a species
Function In ethological terms, survival value (of certain types of behaviors)
Habituation The process of learning that certain objects and events have little bearing on survival and can thus be ignored
House Soiling Urinating or defecating inside the home
Imprinting The acquisition in the very young of certain fixed action patterns
Innate Instinctive
Instinct A complex of unlearned responses characteristic of a species
Instrumental Learning Learning by trial and error
Natural Selection The process that awards survival and reproductive success to individuals and groups best adjusted to their environment
Naturalists Natural scientists
Nature-Nurture Controversy The crux of two opposing schools: classical ethology, which views animal behavior as primarily instinctive, and animal psychology, which views animal behavior as primarily learned
Operant Conditioning The type of conditioned learning that associates a certain activity, known as the operant, with punishment or reward
Operant Functioning or tending to produce effects
Postparturition After giving birth to offspring
Recognition of Individuals The process that allows animals to distinguish their place in a social context broader than their relationship with primary caregivers
Sensitive Period A specific stage early in an animals life when imprinting occurs
Social Behavior The ways individual members of the same species interact with one another
Socialization The process of adapting to contact with others
Sociobiology The study of the biological basis of social behavior
Spraying Staining vertical surfaces with a strong-smelling urine
Stimulus-Response Theory The psychological school of thought stating that all complex forms of behavior, including emotions, thoughts, and habits, are complex muscular and glandular responses that can be observed and measured
Territorial Prone to defining and defending areas of sleep, eating, exercise, and play
Unconditioned Response A simple reflex behavior
Unconditioned Stimulus Sensory input that produces a simple reflex behavior
Wobble A training maneuver designed to disorient a bird by abruptly dropping the hand it's perched upon
Positive Reinforcement Rewarding good behavior; any immediate, pleasant occurrence that follows a behavior
Negative Reinforcement An unpleasant occurence used to create a desired behavior
Punishment An unpleasant occurrence used to eliminate an undesirable behavior
Negative Punishment Involves removing a desirable occurrence to decrease a behavior
Positive Punishment Involves adding an undesirable occurrence to decrease a behavior
B.F Skinner (1904-1990) Considered the foremost expert on the mechanism of operant conditioning
Critical Socialization Period (Puppies) 4-14 Weeks
Critical Socialization Period (Kittens) 2-8 Weeks
Agression Behavior bred from an impulse to harm another being
The Critical Period Period of time when puppies and kittens learn to interact with their own species
Canine Separation Anxiety when dogs, typically younger, have severe anxiety when separated from owner
Conflict-related Aggression Occurs when a dog is exposed to uncomfortable or uncertain stimulus or conflict
Fear-induced Aggression Occurs when animal is in a position from which it can't escape, also loud noises, children, or specific people (most common type of aggression see)
Predatory Agression Hunting type aggression, differs from other aggression because animal will not give a warning in the form of a growl or other threatening behavior
Pain-induced Aggression Painful animals have a tendency to bite (Aggressive behavior related to pain is a protective instinct)
Inter-male Aggression Male dog and cats commonly display aggression towards each other, natural instinct
Territorial Aggression Dogs aggressive towards humans that aren't members of household (cats will sometimes be aggressive to other cats)
Command-Response-Reward Involves giving command and immediately rewarding the desired response every time its performed (until consistent response)
Clicker Training Behavior modification or training techinque; use a clicker by first associating the sound with a reward
Extinction Behavior modification; involves completely removing the reinforcement for the behavior
Aversion Therapy Involves creating a relationship between an unpleasant stimulus and an object that an animal may be marking, chewing, or damaging in some way
Avoidance Therapy Use of negative reinforcement to diminish a problem behavior; goal for pet to link behavior w/ an unpleasant event and then avoid it in future
Habituation Involves surrounding animal w/ stimulus causing problem until animal becomes used to it and is no longer afraid *Use to treat minor behavior problems only
Punishment Used to eliminate an undesirable behavior; must occur every time behavior occurs, applied immediately, be of appropriate intensity, should not connect owner with it
Counter Conditioning Involves taking stimulus linked to negative emotion and reconditioning or counter conditioning the animal by linking stimulus to positive emotional response
Desensitization Diminishing particular behavior by gradually exposing animal to stimulus that produces inappropriate response
Environmental Modification Changes animals environment to address issue (ie: cat defecating out of litter box might need the location changed or a different brand of litter)
Dominance Aggression Aggression that may occur when an owner attempts to assert dominance over a dog, such as taking food bowl away
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