Time boxing, Kanban and Lean- part 1


Lecture 9
minal  Kotwal
Flashcards by minal Kotwal, updated more than 1 year ago
minal  Kotwal
Created by minal Kotwal almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Time-Boxing: - Agile approach promotes breaking up tasks into small chunks that can be developed incrementally and using a full length interval called a time-box for a sprint for development of software features - When a team begins a project using Scrum, one of the important question that arises is what should be the sprint length? - As per Scrum recommendations, length should be in between one and four weeks. - The scheduling approach with time-boxing becomes focused on "how many of these small, incremental features can be completed in a short fixed length sprint?" - Rather than, "how long does the development interval need to be to accomodate those features?" - For this to work the individual features need to be small enough to fit inside of a fixed-length sprint Time boxing refers to the act of putting strict time boundaries around an action or activity For eg: You can time box a meeting to be 30 mins long to help ensure that the meeting will begin and end on time, with no exceptions. This means the important contents of the meeting should be covered before the end of meeting, and the other items that are not that important may get moved to another meeting.
Basically, time boxing is constraint used by teams to help focus on the value. - Working in time boxes is equal to creating short milestones and achieving those milestones in a continuous manner - It also helps prevent a common problem in software dev called "Feature creep", where the teams incrementally add features to the software without scrutinising relevance or need. - Time boxed projects teams work to minimise the effort and resources needed to achieve the expected value. This is called minimum viable product . Time boxing advantages: 1. Focus 2. Increased productivity 3. Realisation of time spent 4. Time available awareness 5. Addresses parkinson's law issue 6. Addresses student syndrome issue
Where is Kanban used? - It is used for demand-driven processes that are very reactive and difficult or impractical to plan Eg: A call centre queue handling customer calls - Kanban is used for software application development processes that need to be highly adaptable and maybe be difficult to plan in advance Kanban in SCRUM: - A Kanban team is only focused on the work that's actively in progress - Once the team completes a work item, they pluck the next work item off the top of the backlog - Cycle time is the amount of time it takes for a unit of work to travel through the team's workflow - from the moment the work starts to the moment it ships - By optimising cycle time, the team confidently forecast the delivery of future work
- Having more than one person have the same skills avoids bottlenecks in the workflow - So teams hire basic best practices like code review and mentoring help to spread knowledge. Shared skills means members can take on heterogeneous work, which further optimises the cycle time - It also means that if there is a backup of work, the entire team can swarm on it to get the process flowing smoothly again. - Multitasking is discourages as it kills efficiency - The more work items in progress at any given time, the more context switching, which hinders their path to completion - That's why a key idea of Kanban is to limit the work in progress (WIP) - Work in progress limits highlights bottlenecks and backups in the team's process due to lack of focus, lack of people or skill sets
Kanban boards: - Kanban believes in visual transparency for this reason Kanban boards are used - Its a work and workflow visualisation tool that enables you to optimise the flow of your work - Physical Kanban boards are typically use sticky notes on a whiteboard to communicate status, progress, and issues
Lean: Five principles of Lean: 1. Understand and maximise value - Specify the value as the customer sees it 2. Optimise the value stream - Eliminate waste 3. Pull production - Make the value flow at the customer's pull 4. Single piece flow - Involve and empower employees 5. Continuous imporvement - Keep changing 1. Understand and maximise value: - Clearly identigy objective and requirements - Use them as acceptance criteria - Doing the right project right means - satisfying the needs of all stakeholders
2. Optimise the value stream: - Identify value stream - All the actions required to create the product, the process - Further identify * Redundant steps * Steps that burden resources * Steps that impact risk, relationships and quality - Fine-tune the process - A popular tool is to implement this step - Stream mapping 3. Pull production: - Ensure that every project addresses a real meaningful need - Planning and executing cycles must be redcued to the minimum as possible - Industry trends - most software industries in the Agile or Lean startup frameworks are moving to 2 week production cycles of plan, execute, release and then collect feedback For the third principle to work the foruth priciple is needed
4. Single piece flow - The ability of a single order or piece of work to flow smothly across the whole system without interruptions and at the maximum possible speed - In other words, the more things you think you are doing at the same time, the less productive you become - Avoid committing teams to unrealistic schedules and budgets 5. Kanban - keep the strategic goals in focus - Avoid short-sighted efficiencies - Measure performance - Analyse performance - Analyse results - Improve the process - Involve all stakeholders
How does agile fit in? - Moving quickly and lightly * sleek, nimble, adaptive, responsive - iterate to deliver meaningful results - Allow requirements to evolve - Communicate - real time, quick, informal (face to face) - Give porject particioants autonomy - Cultivate open-mindedness -Avoid "cure all" "either or" thinking Lean + Agile: - A method to delivery performance effciency and effectiveness * Free flowing, meaningful communication * No excess and no insufficiency * Self-managed teams * Commitment to success * Managed change & continuous improvement
Implmenetation of lean: - Project planning phase - Perform visual workflow management * Sprint plans * Visual workflow board * Stand up meetings * Risk mitigation *Quality control - Project delivery
Stand up meeting - how to? - Should be held before either starting time or before lunch hour - Should last no maore than 1-1.5 minutes times the number of attendees (15 mins max during at first) - Team members with active tasks should attend - Off-site people can "virtual" proces - Overseas people can be connected through designated "liaison" The meeting leader should ask 3 questions: 1. What progress have you made since the last meeting? 2. How will you work towards your next milestone? 3. What do you need from others to meet this goal?
Summary: - Lean is a mindset not a framwork - Quality control is a bog part of it done
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