

Pscyhology Flashcards on Coping, created by Mark Arsenal on 26/04/2013.
Mark Arsenal
Flashcards by Mark Arsenal, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Arsenal
Created by Mark Arsenal almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How did Coping Effectiveness Training help male youth football players? It improved coping response ability.
What type of Coping strategy be more effective when the situation is controllable? Problem-focussed coping.
What type of Coping strategy be more effective when the situation is un-controllable? Emotion focussed coping.
Athletes either have a Facilitative or Debilitative Coping Strategy, what effect does this difference have on Coping? Facilitators generally found to cope better and found the coping strategies to be more effective and thus improve there chance of good run of form. Whereas debilitators are more negative in the coping approach and thus increase chance of a poor run of form.
What can less-effective coping responses cause? Sport Withdrawal, Decreased Performance, Inability to pursue careers in professional sports.
What does the effectiveness of coping resposne depend on? Self-esteem and self-confidence, Motivational Orientation, Previous Performance. Additionally Automaticity of coping response, choice of coping strategy, level of perceived control over stressors.
What has been reported when athletes have failed to cope? Feeling helpless, choking, unable to forget mistakes, crying after performance.
Do Men and Women exhibit any differences in Coping Strategies? Mixed Study findings, but generally found that: Men prefer Problem Focussed Coping whereas Women prefer Emotion Focussed coping and seek social support.
Does age have an effect on Coping Response? Athletes cope with stress better as they age. This is due to the development of the coping repertoir as we age. Because children do not have as comprehensive repertoir it may be wise to teach children different coping strategies to make them feel more prepared to cope.
What psychological implications do the different Coping Responses have? Emotion Focussed Coping- greater cognitive anxiety and greater negative affect. Avoidance Coping- Greater cognitive anxiety. Problem Focussed Coping- Greater positive affect.
Define Coping: 'Constantly changing cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage specific external and or internal demands that are appraised as taking or exceeding the resources of the person'
What are the 2 Coping Strategies? (Lazarus and Folkman 1984) Problem Focussed and Emotion Focussed Strategies.
Describe the Coping strategy Problem Focussed: This is whereby through increased effort, analysing and planning and learning and improving we attempt to alleviate the enviromental stimuli which is causing stress.
Describe the Coping strategy Emotion Focussed: This is where through venting of emotions, acceptance, emotional control strategies, seeking social support we regulate our emotions in order to reduce or manage cognitive distress.
What are the 2 types of Coping Styles? (Anshel, Williams and Hodge 1997): Approach Coping and Avoidance Coping.
Describe the Coping Style Approach Coping: This is where the athlete will try and address the situation directly by emphasising the positive, thought control, realistic appraisals, positive re-interpretation.
Describe the Coping Style Avoidance Coping: This is where the athlete will attempt to avoid the problem through ignoring, avoiding, dettaching, denial and wishful thinking. They can do so thorough behavioural means (removing themself from the situation) and Psychologically (Cognitive Distancing).
What is Anshel, Williams and Hodge 1997 Conceptual Frameowork of Coping Styles?
What are the most common Coping Resources in Golfers? (Giacobbi, Foore and Weinberg 2004) Cognitive Techniques, Relaxation Techniques, Off-course efforts, Golf course strategies, Avoidance Coping, Emotion Focussed Coping.
What is the difference between Coping Responses which are Dispositional and Dynamic? The Dispositional Hypothesis suggest that irrespective of situation the athlete responds in the exactly same way. The Dynamic Hypothesis suggests that we change our coping style dependant on the situation.
Do athletes usually follow the Dispositional or Dynamic Hypothesis of Coping? Dynamic, they usually select different coping strategies dependant on the situation.
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